the 2006/2007 Council year, Mr. Lawrence Osakwe initiated effort to
get the land at UNIPORT - Tagged then as Petroleum House Land and
secured it with an M.O.U. Chief Solomon Edebiri led the committee that
cleared the site, surveyed it and did the fencing in 2008.
Late Victor Isonguyo led the Petroleum House Design Committee in 2010 to
create multiple designs of a state of the art conference centre
Mr. Emeka Ene, in 2015, Renewed the M.O.U, Changed the concept from a
conference centre to an Energy Centre (a Learning Centre) with three
core components - Digital Library, Digital Oil & Gas Museum and
Energy R&D Centre, and re-cleared the site to performed a ground breaking ceremony.The 2015 Project committee is led by Mr. Kefe Amrasa.