Planning committee resources

Important - Please read before using the CTC form!

The CTC Memo is for use by all Committee and Sub-Committee Chairs, Council Officers and SPENC Secretariat/Admin personnel. The reviewer matrix shows the reviewer task stream for reviewing the memos as a guide to all submitting memos..

Specific Guidelines on the 2023 CTC Review Process: A quick summary of the process is captured below:
  1. The CTC Chair will be the clearing house for all CTC memos. 
  2. Once CTC memos are received from any committee, CTC Chair would pass it on to all committee members and inform the responsible primary and secondary reviewers know they are accountable for those relevant to them. The essence in sharing with all committee members is to enhance value addition beyond the primary/secondary reviewer cycle. 
  3. The two reviewers would decide between themselves the order in which they would review the CTC memos but the primary reviewer would pass on a consolidated review with comments from both of them to the CTC Chair. This must be done within 48 hours of receipt (KPI) – note that weekend days would not be included in the 48-hour turnaround period. 
  4. CTC does not expect more than 2-stages of CTC review but in some exceptional cases it could be more.
  5. CTC preference would be for the pace of processing the CTC memos to be dictated by the end-user and not the CTC committee. In other words, CTC would aim to conclude review of any memo within 48 hours of receipt of the memos so that approval is ultimately concluded within reasonable time frame. That way CTC would not be the clog in the wheel. If for instance CTC provides feedback to the committee and they take an inordinate period of time in getting back to CTC, they would bear the responsibility for such delays. 
  6. CTC intends to carry out a thorough and careful review. The CTC Chair would do an initial screening of the memos upon receipt so that what is passed on to the reviewers are in line with the requirements of CTC memo drafting. If any memo fails screening, CTC Chair will return to the sender to correct before sharing with CTC. 
  7. Once CTC is satisfied with the review, CTC Chair will approve and inform the committee chair via email with copy to all CTC members so that every member of the CTC team is carried along (end-to-end).