DL Jennifer Miskimins

  Distinguished Lecturer Program
  CIUDAD DE MÉXICO - SPE Sección México recibe este Jueves 3 de abril a la Conferencista Distinguida Jennifer Miskimins impartiendo el tema “Unconventional Frac Jobs for Unconventional Reservoirs-What Should You Be Concerned”, en la Ciudad de México, te invitamos a participar a la transmisión en vivo vía web para que no te pierdas detalle alguno de esta gran conferencia.

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  Jennifer L. Miskimins is a Senior Consulting Engineer with Barree & Associates in Lakewood, Colorado, where she specializes in stimulation treatment design and analysis, as well as teaches a variety of short courses. Prior to joining Barree & Associates, she was an Associate Professor in the Petroleum Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) in Golden, Colorado, where she still holds a faculty appointment. Dr. Miskimins holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in petroleum engineering. Prior to joining CSM, she worked for Marathon Oil Company in a variety of locations. Dr. Miskimins is the founder and former Director of the Fracturing, Acidizing, Stimulation Technology (FAST) Consortium at CSM. She is a member of SPE, SPWLA, and AAPG, and served as the Executive Editor for the SPE Production & Operations Journal from 2008-2011, as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2010-2011, and currently serves on the SPE Production & Operations Advisory Committee.
  Unconventional reservoirs are just that – unconventional. Extrapolation of techniques that have been used for decades in conventional reservoirs to unconventional reservoirs is dangerous and can prevent further development by providing poor results and turning funding away to “safer” areas. In order to avoid such misapplications, unconventional reservoirs call for unconventional thought processes. In no place is this more evident than in the area of hydraulic fracturing, where an entirely different mindset has to be developed, not just for unconventional reservoirs in general, but specifically for each individual type of unconventional reservoir including shale gas, tight gas, and low permeability oil.

These changing approaches affect almost every aspect of unconventional treatment design from fracturing materials to reservoir management. Increased use of “slickwater” and other minimally-loaded fracturing fluids can be directly related to the desire to minimize damage in these tight, low permeability
reservoirs. However, these types of fluids have different proppant transport mechanisms that must be considered. From a mechanical aspect, fracture growth in unconventional reservoirs can be extremely complex, beyond our current capabilities to completely predict, and direct diagnostics coupled with mineback and laboratory experiments are helping to improve the understanding of what causes these intricate patterns. Even from a reservoir management standpoint, hydraulic fracturing has become more of a tool rather than just an event. Diagnostic injection tests can provide information on reservoir characteristics; and reserve recoveries can be enhanced through practices such as improved well spacing and reorientation of fracturing treatments.

This presentation reviews these changing perspectives and design considerations. The main “take-away” from this lecture is that unconventional reservoirs have requirements very different and distinct from conventional reservoirs and that we can improve our designs by considering these unique requirements and “thinking unconventionally”.