Distinguished Lecturer Program
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO - SPE Sección México recibe este Jueves 14 de mayo al Conferencista Distinguido Curtis G. Blount impartiendo el tema “Lessons Learned in Technology Development and Perforating ‘Smart’ Wells”, en la Ciudad de México, te invitamos a participar a la transmisión en vivo vía web para que no te pierdas detalle alguno de esta gran conferencia.
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Curtis G. Blount is Sr. Fellow Advisor for ConocoPhillips in the Houston based Global Well Technology group specializing in advancing technology applied in challenging and harsh environments. He has been active in CT and well intervention research and applied technology development for more than 25 years. Blount has coauthored more than 30 technical papers and holds over 20 patents. He is an active participant serving on numerous SPE committees. Curt was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer on CT Drilling technology for 2002-2003, SPE Alaska chapter’s Engineer of the Year for 2003, and is SPE’s Drilling and Completion award recipient for 2007. Blount served on Drilling and Completion’s Advisory Committee and was chairman of the SPE Distinguished Lecturer Committee (2010-2011).
Developing new technology is often considered risky, misunderstood, and prone to time and budget over-runs. This presentation will use a recent ‘smart’ well technology development program as an example of challenges in new technology development. The presentation will also discuss challenges of introducing new technology, and pitfalls that are often encountered that perpetuate the 'not in my well' attitude that is often heard when introducing new technology.
Increasing numbers of 'smart' and instrumented wells are being completed worldwide. Many of these types of completions will require perforating as part of the initial completion and many more may require perforating at some time during the life of the well. Even completions that do not require perforating, such as common packer/sliding sleeve open hole completions, still rely on perforation technology to provide a back-up contingency.
This presentation identifies challenges and methods developed to mitigate problems associated with and to enable perforating instrumented and smart wells. This presentation will also review the tools and techniques available to perforate these types of completions, while avoiding damage to pipe external control lines, cables, gauges, fiber optic lines, and other critical completion equipment. Discussions will cover a brief history and limitations of currently available tools and techniques. Details of testing and tool developments will be discussed followed by lessons learned from a multi-well field program.