Our chapter was founded on February 15, 2022, due to the rapid development of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Drilling. The creation of our chapter served as an excellent opportunity to unite students who are truly interested in studying their future profession. Our chapter organizes many interesting and developmental events, the latest of which are related to well workover, modeling a drill bit in the Blender program. We also organized trips to real production facilities, meetings with industry specialists and with graduates of our department who work in their specialty. We also hold meetings in the form of speaking clubs, where we teach our students English both from scratch and improve their level. In the future, we plan to develop and organize even more events. Also, members of our chapter attend many events organized by our colleagues from other chapters. In 2023, our chapter was awarded the 2023 Student Chapter Excellence Award. And in 2024, we have already received two awards - SPE Europe Regional Student Chapter Recognition for Technical Dissemination and Recognition Award for Officers Excellence. And this is only the beginning of our journey. If we talk about our chapter and its team, now we have President Andrey Popov, who deals with all organizational issues and reports, Vice President Andrey Shumov, who is the reliable right hand of the president and always works for the benefit of the chapter, Secretary Katerina Litvinenko, who monitors the deadlines and implementation of the ideas of the Vice President and President, representative of the participants Ilya Pavlenko, who is the voice of our participants and conveys the wishes of the participants to the heads of the chapter, and Treasurer Maria Korovyaka.