


Support Ukraine Now

Support SPE Central Ukraine Section and Ukrainian O&G professionals! Donate today!

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Dear SPE Members, Officers and Board Members, Representatives of Oil&Gas Industry Worldwide,

Since February 24th 2022 Ukraine has been suffering from a full-scale military invasion by russian federation. At this moment, thousands of Oil&Gas professionals are defending the country on the frontlines, as well as fighting to protect and safeguard its energy infrastructure. Among them are SPE members from the SPE Central Ukraine section. We are extremely grateful for the aid and support we have already received from our international partners, which allows us to keep fighting for our freedom and for the values we share with so many of you: family, freedom and liberty.
We thank SPE International for the support we have received in early 2022. Still, the war is ongoing, becoming more vicious and brutal with each passing day with our colleagues on the battlefield needing more support - now more than ever.
We made this video for you:
- to show to the wider oil & gas community the current state of affairs as witnessed and filmed by us and our colleagues;
- to discuss ways in which YOU can support fellow petrotechs, through supporting the SPE Ukraine NGO fundraiser. 
- to encourage you and your employers to donate equipment (such as Starlinks or generators) or critically important medical items to Ukraine.


- To build a strong network of oil and gas industry professionals, who lead Ukrainian energy independence

- To collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas resources, new energies and related technologies for the public benefit

- To provide opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence


- Advance the Ukrainian oil and gas community’s ability to meet the energy demand in a safe, environmentally responsible, and sustainable manner by utilizing SPE networking opportunities and access to SPE materials

- Integrate Ukraine with the international oil and gas community and prepare the next generation of technical experts for the industry.


Ukraine has a century-long history of oil and gas production and possesses substantial conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon reserves, estimated at 9 billion tonnes of oil equivalent (Btoe).  Natural gas reserves are estimated at 5.4 trillion cubic meters (tcm), with proven reserves of 1.1 tcm of natural gas, more than 400 million tonnes (Mt) of gas condensate and 850 Mt of oil reserves.
Hydrocarbon resources in Ukraine are concentrated in three regions:

  - the Carpathian region in the west;

  - the Dnieper-Donetsk region in the east;

  - and the Black Sea-Sea of Azov region in the south.

To find out more info about Ukraine's Oil and Gas sector you can download  War_and_Opportunity__Investing_in_OG_sector_in_Ukraine.pdf (3.6 Mb)


Becoming a part of SPE Central Ukraine Section you will be a part of our big family of professionals. It is a chance to boost your career.

Join or renew your SPE membership. Be a part of a dedicated professional Society working to address the technical challenges of the global oil and gas industry. An SPE membership allows you to make local and global connections and build a network of influential technical leaders from every discipline.

