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When:  Mar 10, 2021 from 11:45 AM to 01:00 PM (CT)
Community:   Dallas Section

When & Where



Speaker: Peter L. Brewer, Thrive IP®

Topic: Patent and the Energy Industry

Date: Wednesday, March 10th, 2021 at 11:45 AM


The oil and gas industry is a story of technology development.  The first drilling rigs were wooden derricks that used cable tools and conical drill bits.  Pressure control was provided with weighted water.  There was no formation isolation and no drill cutting analysis.

A patent was issued in 1825 for the four-legged derrick.  A few years later in 1841, a patent was issued for the first drilling jars.  Diamond core drill bits were invented in the 1860’s, but rotating the bits downhole was a challenge.  As recently as 1894 wells were drilled in Texas by having a mule walk in circles, turning an attached drill pipe.

The spindletop oil gusher is credited with beginning the first Texas oil boom.  This well was drilled in 1901 with a steam-driven rotary rig and a double-pronged fishtail bit.

Howard Hughes invented the two-cone drill bit and other tools.  The steel derrick was patented in 1912 and the rotary table and kelly were introduced a few years later.  This enabled wells to be drilled at depths in excess of 5,000 feet.

Technology continues to improve the drilling, completion and production processes.  Today, horizontal wells that exceed one mile in length can be drilled and completed in one month.  Much of the technology is protected through patents.  This presentation will discuss the U.S. patent system and how it works.


Peter L. Brewer is a patent attorney with the law firm of Thrive IP®.  He is licensed to practice law in Texas and in Tennessee.

Peter holds a B.S. degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University.  Following a position with Gulf Oil E & P in West Texas, he attended law school.  After law school he served as a Briefing Attorney to the Texas Supreme Court.

Peter’s practice focuses on patents, trademarks, copyrights and contracts, with most of his clients being in the energy industry.  Peter is the owner of the website  He is a native of Midland, Texas.  He is married, has three children, and is an avid Dallas Cowboys fan.

In 2018, Peter was the subject of a story in Rigzone.  See

Peter Brewer

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Topic: March 2021 Virtual Meeting with Peter Brewer
Time: Mar 10, 2021 11:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

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