This talk will go over the basics of machine learning: when to use machine learning, data preparation, measuring performance, how to explain model results, and leveraging the model for optimization scenarios. The presentation will then review applications of these concepts in the Midland Basin using a public-data model, looking at completions sensitivities, geology-spacing interactions, and asset development optimization case studies.
Ted Cross is a Technical Advisor at Novi Labs, an Austin-based startup providing machine learning solutions for unconventional oil & gas development, where he serves as in-house subject-matter expert to bridge between the challenges operators face and solutions that advanced analytics and machine learning can provide.
Prior to joining Novi, Ted worked as a geologist for ConocoPhillips in a range of roles including Williston Basin development, Lower 48 exploration, global new ventures, and deepwater Gulf of Mexico exploration. He has applied advanced analytics across the asset life cycle, from frontier source rock evaluation through geosteering targeting, and served as an instructor in Conoco’s Citizen Data Scientists course. He received a Master’s in Geology from the University of Arizona, specializing in thrust belts and foreland basins.
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