"Gustavo Sclocchi" Theses Awards

We are happy to announce the winners of the

2018 edition of the SPE EAGE-Assomineraria

“Gustavo Sclocchi” Theses Award.

The Award Ceremony will take place on March 21st
in the Aula Magna of Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci,
and will be followed by the SPE Talent Dinner.

See link for details.
Your participation is welcome!

Categories Master of Science & Philosophy Doctor:

Amadori Chiara


Pavia University

3D architecture and evolution of the Po Plain - Northern Adriatic Basin since the Messinian salinity crisis through Pliocene-Pleistocene time

Chesi Claudio


Milan University

Facies and depositional architecture of two transtensional continental basins: the Permian succession of the Orobic Basin and of the Norwegian Danish Basin

Giuliani Marco


Milan Polytechnic

Computational intelligence: a hybrid technique for process modeling and production optimization of an oil field

Categories Bachelor of Science & 2nd Level Master:

Luciani Italo

2nd Level Master

Turin Politechnic

Streamlines integration in Reservoir Management workflow to optimize water injection in a brown field

Special mentions:



Pisa University

Two-grid full-waveform surface-wave inversion by means of a genetic algorithm

Reguzzi Simone


Milan University

Lithostratigraphy and petrographic analysis of the Permian succession of the Orobic basin margins (Pizzo Dei Tre Signori - Barbellino Lake, Orobic Alps, North Italy)

Russo Giorgio

2nd Level Master

Turin Politechnic

Implementation of virtual metering models using real time data

Lazzeri Giacomo


Florence University

Experimental use of drone remote sensed data for quick mapping of wildfire burnt areas

We gratefully thank all the participants and congratulate the winners for their work!


Italian Section Chair

Alberto Di Lullo


Luigi Ciarrocchi


Jean-Jacques Biteau