GEOLOG will host the presentation of
Professor Luca Lutterotti, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento about "
Sonic Drilling Coupled with Automated Mineralogy & Chemistry".
Abstract: In the mining industry, from exploration to waste and recycling, one long time challenge is to get accurate, reliable mineralogical and chemical analyses directly on the field to maximize the resources and minimize the costs. In this lecture we will share the experience with two European projects with a common background but two slightly different goals.
The first one is SOLSA, on the third of four years, financed in the Horizon 2020 framework, where we are building an automatic core scanner system combining several techniques (Imaging, Hyperspectral, XRF, XRD and Raman spectroscopies) to map the extracted core obtained by sonic drilling. The mineralogical and chemical mapping will be done just-in-time on-site to provide immediate geological feedback for the mineral extraction and field mapping.
PAiRED-X (EIT Raw Materials upscaling project, 2018-2019) instead focus more on the exploration with a portable instrument combining just XRD and XRF (for mineralogical and chemical analyses) but based on a new type of detector and analysis system. The instrument developed will have an eye on flexibility to broaden the target not limited to only exploration.
At the core of both projects, at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Trento, we are developing the methodology and software for the so-called combined analysis in which we couple different techniques not only from the hardware/measurement point of view but also using a joint analysis that permits to improve reliability, accuracy and automatization.
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Prof Luca Lutterotti is a Master graduate in Materials Science Engineering at University of Trento, Italy, with a Thesis entitled: "Characterization of Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Coatings by X-ray Diffraction".
He had a post graduate scholarship from the CSM (Center for the Materials Development) of Rome to study Plasma Sprayed Coatings. From 1988 he started the development of LS1, Rietquan and Maud programs for Rietveld refinement and quantitative phase analysis by XRD including a special treatment of peak broadening to refine the microstructure, amorphous materials, texture and residual stresses. The material characterization tool MAUD developed by L. Lutterotti is now in use by thousands of laboratories around the world, with about 30 downloads per day since 2000.
Today, he teaches Materials Engineering and Mechatronics at the University of Trento, where he is also a Researcher in the Department of Materials Engineering.
He has been a visiting researcher or invited professor in different universities in Europe and USA. His research fields are Micromechanics, Material science and crystallography, Functional and Nanomaterials, Materials Characterization. He is author or co-author of more than 140 publications.
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