The annual SPE golf tournament benefits the scholarship fund supported by our East Texas SPE Section. Find a teammate and join us for a fun afternoon of golf with fellow industry colleagues.
Your entry fee includes golf and cart, SPE giveaway item, free lunch, a chance to win fabulous door prizes, and 2 mulligans. These will be the only mulligans offered this year!! Look for the set of clubs to be raffled off at the registration table.

Tournament Sponsorship Options
Door Prizes can be anything and everything, but won’t be added to the sponsor board. Who they’re from gets announced as they are given away and you add a business card to the door prize.
Hole Sponsorships are added to the main sponsor board. They can range from a minimum of $100 gift card to a club of any value $100 or greater. Some people bring $100 putters and some bring $350 drivers. We show what it is when we hand out the prize so people will have an idea of what you brought. You will have to get a sign made (~$35, contact Randy Permenter at 903-594-8367 or randyp8621@gmail.com) to go on your particular hole. These are first come first served. If it does fill up, we can find a way to put your sign somewhere significant and create another type of sponsorship that will be recognized.
Cooking on the course: Please contact me if you are interested in setting up some sort of cooker or hospitality station on the course, and we will add your name to the sponsor board accordingly. Spots are limited.
A few other things that could be sponsored are the raffle clubs (~$500), beverage ($75+, no limit), soft drinks at lunch ($200), the long drive guy ($500), ice trailer ($300), we can find a sponsorship for what you want. We will make sure to get your name everywhere you want it… within reason.
