Welcome Back Fellow SPE Delta Section Members!
Here we are ready to begin our 2018-2019 session! It is an honor that Daniel and I will represent you as Section co-Chairs. We look forward to the good work that we will accomplish this year in the areas of disseminating and exchanging technical knowledge within our Section concerning the oil and gas energy industry, educating our community on the related benefits of the industry (in which we all play or have played an important role in), supporting those who will follow in our footsteps, and providing opportunities for you to enhance your technical and professional competence. Quite a tall order, but as members of the Delta Section working together we can accomplish our mission.
We have one primary goal and objective this year, i.e., to recruit new members and engage more of you in our efforts to accomplish our mission.
To all of the dedicated volunteers on the Board, we are privileged to work with you. The success of recruitment and engagement of members begins with the Board working together to inform, invite and encourage others to partake in the general meetings, to promote and serve our community alongside others in the industry, and to address member and potential member concerns and interests, as we intentionally share the benefits of our professional and world renowned Society.
To all of the members, we are 535 strong and we look forward to seeing more of you throughout the year. If you are able to assist the Board in anyway, i.e. any ideas, any extra time, or any feedback, please let us know. We want to enhance the value of your membership. Also, there are a few vacant positions on our Board and committees needing support. We welcome new faces, new ideas, and different perspectives to the Board. You can contact either Daniel or I or any other Board member to express your interest in joining the Board. Our contact information is listed in the newsletter.
The Delta Section Board is committed to serve its members and to carry out the SPE International mission. This year we will have dynamic SPE International Distinguished Lecturers delivering current information of advances in the industry.
We will continue our PIPE and STEM support and participation combining our efforts with other oil and gas associations. Plans are to hold a BSEE and SPE Delta Section Continuing Education forum on a relative topic, to engage with the SPE Delta Section sponsored student chapters of LSU, NSU, and FSU, to maintain a presence and educational support in conjunction with AADE on UNO’s campus with the pre Petroleum Engineering courses, and to hold our annual golf tournament that brings in revenue which supports various Petroleum Engineering Departments at universities around our region. We will also co-sponsor the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Technical Symposium in August of 2019. If any of these mentions are of interest to you, please contact the appropriate committee chair for additional information.
A very quick and hot summer is coming to a close and a hopefully uneventful and cool fall is quickly approaching; football is in the air and Gulf of Mexico’s deepwater and shelf activity is steady. We have new young professional members, previous members returning to the Section, prospective members, and new faces on the Board. It’s a good life for Delta Section and the GoM oil and gas industry.
Thank you for being members of this Section!
We are better together and together we will accomplish more. We look forward to a great year and to the many rewarding experiences ahead of All the best,
Angie D. Gobert
2018-2019 SPE Delta Section Co-Chair