
SPE Netherlands Student Chapters

SPE is one of the most prestigious technical/professional organizations in the world and being an SPE Student Member is considered a noteworthy achievement by industry professionals and executives.
The SPE Netherlands Student Chapters count several hundred members from the University of Utrecht, University of Amsterdam and Delft University of Technology, and are the most important link between students and the petroleum industry in The Netherlands. The student chapters host a variety of events for its members, offering unique networking and knowledge building possibilities on a regular basis. Student members also participate in all events hosted by the Netherlands Section thereby promoting networking and recruitment across the education-industry boundary.

For help on joining your SPE Student Chapter, please address your Student Chapter contact or visit SPE Delft Student Chapter has provided a tutorial which of course must be updated to suit your specific data. This template can be found here.

SPE Netherlands Student Chapters can be contacted through:

Webpage Contact Contact details


Yanto Hogendorp
Seán Latooij
Annemiek Silvius