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Dear SPE H2TS members, here is the link for the upcom ing Hydrogen Webinar: what to look for in 2025 taki ng place on Tuesday 10 December at 9:00AM GMT & 4:00PM GMT. Best regards, Yurii Moroz
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Abstract Submission and Speaking Opportunities Submit Your Abstract today
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In his 1874 book The Mysterious Island, Jules Verne described a world where “ water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable .” 149 years later, water is poised to play a crucial role in decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors. When renewable energy (RE) sources like wind, solar, hydropower splits water into two molecules — H2 and O2 — with no or very low carbon emissions— the result is termed Green hydrogen . The primary purpose of # greenhydrogen is to decarbonize sectors which ...

Natural Hydrogen Webinar

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Dear SPE Hydrogen section members ! We are pleased to invite you to the online webinar with the distinguished speaker Gabor Tari on topic: "Natural (gold) hydrogen exploration: some similarities and differences with oil and gas exploration". The event is planned for Nov 2, at 4 p.m CEST (9 a.m. CDT). Please use the link below for registration - Best regards, Yurii Moroz Europe program chairperson at Hydrogen technical section SPE Central Ukraine chairperson
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Please join me on Mar 20th, 2023 at 9:30 am CST to attend SPE's Flow Measurement Technical Section (FMTS) Webinar. I am happy to host Phil Stockton presenting his work on "Meeting the Challenges of CO2 Measurement with a new kind of Orifice Meter". Phil is known for his deep technical knowledge, research work, and very engaging presentation skills. You will always learn something new from Phil, so don't miss the opportunity to attend and ask your questions!