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SPE 2024 ATCE Call for Paper Proposals – Mentor a Colleague

  • 1.  SPE 2024 ATCE Call for Paper Proposals – Mentor a Colleague

    Posted 12-27-2023 02:02 PM

    Dear Colleagues,

    What was the first technical paper you presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE)? Who were your co-authors? A century of innovation & community-that's ATCE. As we approach this historic 100-year milestone, SHARE YOUR MEMORIES OF ATCE HERE:

    If you are an experienced author, consider this an invitation to mentor a colleague in the process of submitting a paper proposal to SPE's Flagship Conference, the ATCE.  Writing the abstract, preparing the manuscript, delivering the presentation and answering audience questions can be an important developmental milestone in a professional career for a young professional or student.  Pay tribute to the mentors who launched you on your professional path and honor them by showing others how to contribute to the technical literature and present one's work at an industry event.

    Submit your proposals for consideration in the program demonstrating the technological advancements taking place across the world in our industry.  These efforts include novel developments and contributions to the literature through best practices and lessons learned, as well as technology deployments and case studies.  In addition, there are opportunities to propose special sessions to complement the technical papers being presented.  The ATCE is key to accomplishing SPE's Mission to connect a global community of engineers, scientists, and related energy professionals to exchange knowledge, innovate, and advance their technical and professional competence regarding the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas and related energy resources to achieve a safe, secure, and sustainable energy future. SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL NOW BY 19 FEBRUARY 2024:

    ATCE, SPE's flagship conference, takes place from 23 September through 25 September 2024, and we anticipate over 10,000 delegates from around the world.  The proposal submission deadline is 19 February 2024.  The Program Committee is eager to review the paper proposals for the upcoming conference and looks forward to working with each of you to see how the proposals will contribute to the program development. If successful, any one of the presented papers could also receive an invitation for publication in an SPE technical journal.

    The SPE ATCE plans to deliver approximately 400 technical paper presentations, ePosters, and panel sessions covering these disciplines:

    ·       Reservoir

    ·       Drilling

    ·       Completions

    ·       Production and Operations

    ·       Data Science and Engineering Analytics

    ·       Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability

    ·       Projects, Facilities and Construction

    ·       Management

    ·       Energy Transition

    We are looking forward to your paper proposal submissions!

    C. Susan Howes
    Subsurface Consultants & Associates, LLC
    Houston, TX