2025 SPE Western Regional Meeting

Meeting Dates: April 27 – May 1, 2025
Location: Hyatt Regency Orange County (11999 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove CA 92840)
Conference Theme: "Technology for Transition into the New Energy Frontier"

Conference Co-Chairs:
Ted Frankiewicz and Steve Cheung
Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Kristian Jessen, USC and Bill Milliken (Retired from Chevron)
Field Trip Committee Chair:
Scott Hara
Website Committee Co-Chairs:
Larry Gilpin and Albert Pernia

Call for Papers

You are invited to share your technical innovations and accomplishments by submitting a paper proposal for consideration. Your submission must be received by Thursday, 15 August 2024.

We welcome you to the SPE Western Regional Meeting 2025. This year’s theme is Technology for Transition into the New Energy Frontier. The new technologies required for this transition include technology for the expanded use of future and renewable energy sources, and also improvements in the extraction, transport, and utilization of existing hydrocarbon-based resources. The creativity and expertise of the SPE membership has long been beneficial for the latter. Now that same creativity and expertise is being applied to the former. New Technical Sections within SPE include Hydrogen, Geothermal Energy, CO2 Capture & Storage, and Robotics and Autonomous Systems. SPE and its members are already playing a role in the efficient and effective development of technology for the New Energy Frontier. An important objective of WRM2025 is to provide a venue to report on these efforts. At WRM2025, attendees can learn and become enthusiastic about the potential for applying their talents in existing as well as new directions. Please join us at what promises to be an exciting meeting of creative international talent. Submit an abstract, give a paper, expand your horizons.

Ted Frankiewicz & Steve Cheung
WRM2025 Conference Co-Chairs

Call for Paper Categories

Review the Categories Below and Click Here to Submit Your Proposal.

1. Energy Transition

  • Geothermal Resources and Operations
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
  • Hydrogen Generation, Transport, Storage, or Utilization
  • Low Grade Energy Utilization
  • Renewables

2. Data Analytics

  • Machine Learning in the Oil Field
  • The Digital Oilfield and Utilization of Big Data

3. Drilling

  • Well Interventions
  • Rig Automation and Efficiency Improvements
  • Application of AI for Improving Rig Operations
  • Coiled Tubing Drilling

4. Completions

  • Formation Damage Evaluation and Mediation
  • ICDs and other Advanced Completion Technologies

5. Production and Operations

  • Heavy Oil & Thermal Recovery
  • Facility Integrity and Operating Life Extension
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques & Technology

6. Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility

  • Regulatory Compliance in a Changing World
  • Fracture Gradient Compliance in California
  • Digital Security – Concerns and Solutions

7. Management and Information

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation
  • The Digital Oilfield and Utilization of Big Data

8. Projects, Facilities and Construction

  • Water Treatment, Beneficial Use, Recycle, Disposal Options
  • Mature Field Optimization & Operations
  • Electrification and other Energy Saving Technologies
  • Pipeline Operations and Maintenance
  • Steam Generation and Injection

9. Reservoir Description and Dynamics

  • Reservoir Characterization Using Static and Dynamic Data

Modelling Excellence: Reservoir performance and monitoring

  • Low Salinity Water Flooding

10. General Topics

  • Unconventional Resources
  • Case Histories / Lessons Learned
  • Technology: Innovations, Trials, and Implementations


Conference Home
Program Committee
Paper Policies
Submission Guidelines
SPE Sample Abstract
Paper FAQs

The submission deadline is Thursday, 15 August 2024.

Plagiarism Check

In an effort to further improve SPE’s technical quality standards, all submitted conference papers will be checked for plagiarism.