Data Science and Engineering Analytics Technical Section


The Data Science and Engineering Analytics (DSEA) Technical Section is available for all members focused on Digitalization, creating value from data. Given the size of prize, where even a small percentage improvement in efficiency or production can yield big bottom-line impact, the interest and relevance of DSEA applies across all SPE disciplines and beyond.

As Petroleum industry rapidly evolves towards better and faster innovative end-to-end processes from Exploration, Appraisal, Development, Production to Operations, including Abandonment with heightened global focus on safety, sustainability, resources, and environmental footprint – the role of DSEA is increasingly recognized by all disciplines and upstream business sectors, beyond typical IT and data organizations.

Innovative technologies and software solutions are more commonly available, enabling DSEA arena to covert big volumes of data to “smart” data for timely decision making aimed for value generation. Technology maturation, architectural agility, multidisciplinary integrated processes bundled with business focus on right strategic problems, will drive data sciences to accelerate digitalization and aspired business transformation.

The current and the future growing opportunities using AI, automation vs. manual, autonomous processes, predictive analytics for mitigating risks and failures, faster problem solving, targeted simplification – DSEA arena has tremendous potential for unlocking value across the industry with stronger collaboration with all technical disciplines driving the aspired Digital Energy journey.

Join us – Let's focus on top priorities, solve pressing challenges, adopt innovative technical solutions, and together make a difference for world’s growing energy needs.

Our Goals

The DSEA technical section will serve as knowledge sharing and learning forum for all SPE members, from varied disciplines, interested in value creation from data and information leveraging Computing, Data, and Predictive Analytics sciences.  The SPE DSEATS is intended to accelerate and enhance the digital asset life cycle management, given the current business dynamics and enable the future strategic energy transformation aspirations.

The DSEA Technical Section will drive activities focusing on the already established key arenas (refer: SPE Petrowiki taxonomy), namely:

Data Science & Engineering Analytics
I. Information Management and Systems
- Knowledge Management
- Data Integration
- Data Security
- Data Mining
- Metadata Management
- Artificial Intelligence
- Neural Networks
II. Research & Development and Emerging Technology Program
- New Technology Deployment
- New Technology Valuation
- New Technology Funding

Any other Data Science and Analytics related or relevant areas (e.g., Data Quality, Data Standards, Machine Learning, etc.) that are implicitly included within these categories, maybe addressed in the Technical Section. Additionally, any necessary updates will be considered with the DSEA Board team, and with inputs from the DSEA Advisory Board and SPE’s other disciples’ Board teams.

These foundational DSEA technical arenas will be addressed by the DSEA Board team, and with cross collaboration with SPE’s technical disciplines covering end-to-end value chain, predominantly for the Upstream business but also overarchingly across the Energy sector and outside the industry: Reservoir Engineering, Geology/Geophysics, Wells, Geothermal, Sustainability, Zero Carbon Footprint, Digital Twin, etc. supporting Digital and dynamic Energy Transformation aspirations.

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For more information on sanctions, visit our website here.

Message from the Chairperson

Thank you SPE for the opportunity to serve as SPE’s Data Science & Engineering Analytics (DSEA) Technical Section (TS) Chair.  I deeply appreciate this honor.  I am so delighted to work with our DSEATS board and subcommittee members.  This group includes a diverse array of well-known SPE and industry leaders, recognized experts, and some very talented young professionals. Each brings to the table their own unique set of experiences, multidisciplinary knowhow, and global industry insights. It is personally gratifying to have more women colleagues stepping up to serve and contribute on this board.  

We look forward to working with all SPE technical sections and disciplines using a hub-and-spoke model and having liaisons coordinate activities with the regional chapters.

As digitalization momentum accelerates across our industry (including the evolution of the next-gen digital oil field, more end-to-end process data integration, automation and technology innovations, simpler cross-discipline processes, and increased sustainability focus) the timing is just right for the DSEATS. In the coming months, we aim to break any regional discipline or organizational silos and increase more collaborative efforts, not only within SPE, but also with our academic and industry partners.

Please join our technical section and let’s together make a difference for the increasing energy needs of the world. You can share your ideas for DSEATS program at or contact any of the board members (

Looking forward to a very productive, inclusive, and an impactful term.

Pushpesh Sharma

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