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Hot off the Presses - Q2, 2023 SPE DSEATS Newsletter


SPE Data Science and Engineering Analytics Technical Section just released its Q2, 2023 newsletter. It features a variety of articles and updates related to data science, artificial intelligence, oil and gas industry, and community events from USA, Canada, Australia, and Middle East. Some key articles include

  • RĂ©mi Ounadjela explores the journey of data science from Schlumberger to big tech companies like Amazon, Google, and TikTok.
  • Joy Ugoyah discusses the implementation of artificial intelligence for detecting anomalies in oil production rates and monitoring choke performance.
  • Serveh Kamrava and Hossein Mirzaee present a method for designing complex disordered materials using machine learning, even with limited data.
  • Prateek Kumar explores the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) as chatbots and reasoning agents in the oil and gas industry.

We also published it at Linkedin to reach audiences beyond SPE community.


