Original Message:
Sent: 08-31-2024 11:41 AM
From: Olav Møyner
Subject: Update on SPE11 submission and workshops
Hi everyone,
Three questions:
- The deadline is the 1st of September - is this inclusive? In other words, is the deadline at the end of September 1st?
- The spatial data is quite large. Is it possible to upload result1.zip, result2.zip and so on?
- I seem to be unable to upload to the SharePoint folder used for early submission. It does not appear open for writing.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 08-30-2024 05:00 AM
From: Bernd Flemisch
Subject: Update on SPE11 submission and workshops
Hi everyone,
I can confirm what Jan says. While we certainly encourage the submission of performance data, it is not mandatory. And already very helpful to submit only the sparse part.
Yes, please use the same folders. I moved all early submissions into subfolders "early" so that nothing should get in conflict.
Kind regards
Original Message:
Sent: 08-30-2024 04:29 AM
From: Jan Nordbotten
Subject: Update on SPE11 submission and workshops
Dear Bruno (and Inti),
Bernd is best equipped to answer this, but I believe he is on his last day of vacation. So my apologies in advance in case my answers are in error:
Yes, you should use the same link as earlier, and delete any obsolete results.
Nothing is "mandatory", so in the case Bruno describes, it is OK to omit files with no information content. Nevertheless, as a general comment, the more information that is submitted (within the predefined format), the more meaningful and contextualized comparisons can be made between the submissions of various groups.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 08-29-2024 10:00 PM
From: Bruno Ramon Fernandes
Subject: Update on SPE11 submission and workshops
Hi Bernd and Jan,
For the final submission, should we use the same link provided for June's early submission? I noticed that I can still make changes in the folder provided on my previous link. If so, should I delete the early results and only keep the final submission results?
Also, are required to submit excel files for the performance spatial data or is it ok to submit files for the spatial data, sparse data, and sparse performance data only? I do not believe the performance spatial data I can provide on these files will be very relevant and submitting files full of "N/A" does not seem very productive.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 08-09-2024 09:51 AM
From: Bernd Flemisch
Subject: Update on SPE11 submission and workshops
Dear participants,
let me add some remarks and instructions on the submission process.
- Preparation
- Be sure to double-check against the description and the clarifications.
- Clarification regarding boundary volumes: Since the boundary volumes are "just inside" the boundary, any CO2 mass inside the boundary volumes should be reported in the reporting cells touching the boundary. This concerns the columns "total mass CO2 [kg]" in the dense data / spatial maps for 11B and 11C.
- Questionnaire(s): The template has been updated, be sure to use the latest one. Please fill out one questionnaire per submitted result. Take your time and try to answer the questions precisely.
- Result check: Before uploading, please use this script for each result to check their format. Instructions are given in this README.
- Format requirements
- Archiving
- You may archive all files belonging to one result in a single zip file "spe11x.zip", with x = a, b or c depending on the case. Do not introduce any folders in the zip file.
- Subfolders
- Do not use subfolders.
- Exception 1: You may use subfolders "spe11a", "spe11b" and "spe11c" on the top level of your SharePoint folder.
- Exception 2: Use subfolders "result1", ..., "result4", either on the top level or as subfolders of the "spe11x" folders to differentiate between different results.
- Naming
- Please use exactly the filenames as prescribed.
- Columns
- Stick to the prescribed number and order of columns.
- If no value can be given, insert "n/a" or "nan", not "0".
- Use "," as a delimiter (not at the end of a row).
- Dense data
- Reporting cells don't have to coincide with computational cells.
- Stick to the prescribed number and location of the reporting cells.
- Sorting the rows is not required.
- For 11C, an additional column for the y-coordinate is required, which should be the second column in the file.
- Sparse data
- Reporting time steps don't have to coincide with computational time steps.
- In 11B and 11C, time 0 is at the end of the 1000y initialization period.
I wish you all the best for your final runs and for the submission! Please post any questions and comments on SPE Connect.
Kind regards
Original Message:
Sent: 07-30-2024 09:53 AM
From: Jan Nordbotten
Subject: Update on SPE11 submission and workshops
Dear SPE11 participants,
The submission deadline is fast approaching, and there is now just a month left! In view of this, we have prepared the following plan for the coming months.
- September 1st: This is the deadline for submitting results to the 11th SPE Comparative Solution Project. There will not be any extensions to this deadline.
- September 9th: All participants who have submitted results by the deadline, will be invited to participate in a virtual "quality control workshop" on zoom. This will take place Monday September 9th, at 13:00-15:00 Central European Time (CET). During this workshop, we will not have any scientific discussions regarding the submissions, but rather work to identify any misunderstandings/interpretations/mistakes/data formatting issues/etc. that may have impacted submitted results.
- September 20th: In view of any findings at the September 9th workshop, participants who have submitted results by the September 1st deadline, are welcome to provide corrected results by September 20th. At this time, we will start processing the results, and no further corrections will be possible.
- October 17-18th: Please save these dates. We plan for a hybrid workshop (in Bergen, Norway and on zoom) to discuss the CSP submission, and to identify the learnings and findings of the study. This workshop will be the main point of interaction that will shape the development of the first draft of the final paper on the CSP. More details on this workshop will be announced in the coming weeks.
We are really excited about this phase of the CSP, and looking forward to seeing and analyzing the submissions!
Best regards,
Jan M. Nordbotten
Martin Fernø
Bernd Flemisch
Anthony Kovscek
Knut-Andreas Lie