
  • Test

    Tuesday, January 9 - Friday, February 9, 2024

  • i-trak/Corva Technology - Digitalization

    Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM EET
    Join us for an insightful session on "i-trak/Corva Technology - Digitalization," where we'll delve into Baker Hughes’ OFSE Digital Capabilities, delivering a step-change in operational efficiency. Discover the latest advancements in digital technologies transforming the Oil & Gas industry. By Eng. Hesham Al Kholy
    cairo, Egypt

  • Joint with AIEN Workshop: Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage in the APAC Energy Industry

    Thursday, January 25, 2024, 09:00 AM - 07:00 PM SGT
    The Singapore SPE section is collaborating with the AIEN to bring you an outstanding event at members rate. If you are SPE member but not AIEN member, you can still register with member's rate. Below are the details of the event: One-day conference on “Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage in the APAC Energy Industry”. The conference will focus on CCS/CCUS issues that are relevant for the energy industry in the Asia Pacific region. The focus will be on global sustainability issues such as: Introduction to the basic technical, transportation, commercial, and legal concepts associated with CCS/CCUS. An understanding of the minimum standards required to facilitate CCS/CCUS and the tools to evaluate existing legislative and regulatory frameworks to improve these regimes. An understanding of how the industry is considering CCS/CCUS projects in selected APAC countries in the absence of comprehensive regulatory frameworks, including the development of contractual models to mitigate risks. A discussion on market creation and current financing mechanisms to support CCS/CCUS in Asia. This conference will include a diverse group of highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the energy industry. Our speakers and panelists will address topics such as the role of CCS/CCUS as a low-carbon solution, legal risks associated with inadequate regulatory structures, opportunities in APAC, the current regulatory frameworks in Asia Pacific, and more. Conference Co-chairs Michael Arruda, King & Spalding LLP Egon van der Hoeven, ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions Continuing Education Credits AIEN is an accredited sponsor approved by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE. The number of MCLE credit hours awarded for this event are still being determined. Registration Fees Your conference registration includes digital materials, breaks, a lunch and a Networking Reception. Your registration does not include hotel and travel accommodations. All fees are in USD. Member Rates AIEN/SPE Active Member: $300 Government/National Company Member: $300 Non-Member Rates Non-AIEN and Non-SPE member: $375 SPE Singapore members' special : you can get a discounted price of $300. Please contact Paulina directly (details at the bottom of this page) to get your discount coupon code. You will then enter the discount coupon code when submitting the payment on the registration website page. Click the blue button "Register Now" below. Objectives This one-day forum will: · Introduce basic technical, commercial, and legal concepts associated with CCS/CCUS · Describe minimum standards required to facilitate CCS/CCUS and the tools to evaluate existing legislative and regulatory frameworks to improve these regimes · Discuss market creation and financing mechanisms available to support CCS/CCUS in Asia · Discuss how the industry is considering CCS/CCUS projects in selected APAC countries in the absence of robust regulatory frameworks, including the development of contractual models to mitigate risk Sessions / Panels / Speakers 1. Welcome Remarks (9:00 am – 9:15 am) – Michael Arruda, AIEN Asia Regional Director, King & Spalding LLP (Tokyo) 2. Keynote : Role of CCS/CCUS as a Low Carbon Solution and Opportunity in APAC (9:15 am - 9:45 am) – Abstract : Countries and companies are setting aggressive net-zero targets, while hydrocarbon energy forms are still required to meet the world's energy demands. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage, at scale, will be among the tools necessary to reach these targets. The keynote speaker will set the stage for how CCS/CCUS’s potential can provide large scale solutions for hard-to-decarbonize sectors of the economy with a focus on its role in Asia Pacific. 3. The Value Chain of Carbon – Capturing, Transporting and Storing CO2 (9:45 am – 11:00 am) Abstract : CCS technology has been deployed for nearly half a century. Employing this solution at scale and across borders requires new policies to establish a value chain between emitters, transporters, and storage providers. This panel will provide an overview of the technical aspects of CCS/CCUS; market creation and financing, including Inflation Reduction Act and Joint Carbon Market (Japan); and liability considerations for CCS/CCUS projects. a. Overview / Moderator: Mark Tandy, Senior Business Developer, EP/NB-CN/CCS, TotalEnergies (Paris) b. Technical i. Capture / Hubs Joseph Stroffolino, Solution Development Manager, Energy Transition APAC, Air Liquide (Singapore) ii. Transportation – Shipping, Pipelines, Terminals Yuji Aibara, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (Tokyo) iii. Storage / MMV Prabhat Agrawal, Senior Advisor, Gaffney Cline (Singapore) c. Risk Management Baker Botts – Michael Harrison, Partner (Singapore) \ d. Market Creation and Financing Standard Chartered – Kamal Khullar, Managing Director, Energy and Resources – Asia Pacific and Middle East (Singapore) Networking Break (11:00 am – 11:15 am) 4. Current Regulatory Frameworks in Asia Pacific (11:15 am – 12:30 pm) Abstract : Enabling large scale CCS/CCUS projects requires regional cooperation and corresponding national policies to encourage investment, development, and safe operations. Comprehensive legislation or regulations have yet to be put in place to do so. While countries' policies are in varying stages of development, long-term investors require certain minimum legislative and regulatory standards to underpin investments decisions. This panel will cover the current legal and regulatory frameworks in certain Asia Pacific countries and discuss minimum standards necessary to encourage investment and realize development of CCS/CCUS value chain. Speakers/moderators under consideration a. Singapore : Kelvin Wong, Partner, Allen & Gledhill (Singapore) b. Indonesia : Belladonna Maulianda, Special Advisor Coordinating Ministry Maritime Affairs and Investment, Executive Director of Indonesia CCS Center (Jakarta) c. Malaysia : Emry Hisham Yusoff, Head of Carbon Management Division, Petronas (Kuala Lumpur) d. Australia : Jocelyn Taylor, Manager, CCUS & H2 Collaborations, Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water (Canberra) Moderator : TK & Partners , Ed Lock, Managing Director (Bangkok) (Co-Author, “Unlocking Asia–Pacific’s Vast Carbon-Capture Potential”, McKinsey & Company (February 2023)) Lunch Break: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm 5. Legal Risks Associated with Inadequate Regulatory Structures (2:00 pm – 3:15 pm) Abstract : Incomplete regulations and inconsistent frameworks across the Asia Pacific region require interim solutions to bridge the gaps. This panel will discuss legal challenges associated with gaps in the regulatory frameworks, cross-border considerations, and brainstorm possible solutions. a. King & Spalding – Zoe Bromage, Partner (Singapore) b. Shearman & Sterling – Angie Bible, Counsel (Singapore) c. Squire, Patton, Boggs – Natalie Lonergan, Partner (Sydney) Moderator : Professor Tina Soliman Hunter, Macquarie University (Sydney) (co-author, Implications of ‘Net-Zero Emissions by 2050’ for the Hydrocarbon Industry: A Case Study of Selected Mature Petroleum Jurisdictions , JWELB) Networking Break: (3:15 pm – 3:30 pm) 6. Commercializing Carbon (3:30 pm – 4:45 pm) Abstract : There are minimum commercial and regulatory standards required to regulate the capture and storage of carbon and to provide the potential for entering into commercial arrangements for its utilization. This panel will discuss those minimum standards and current efforts underway in Asia Pacific and elsewhere – including the development of model contractual arrangements -- to ensure that the benefits of CCS/CCUS can be realized to assist countries and companies realize their net zero ambitions. a. Petronas – Emry Hisham Yusoff, Head of Carbon Management Division – Kasawari (Kuala Lumpur) b. ExxonMobil – Christina Konvicka, Global Policy Coordinator – Indonesia CCS Hubs (Houston) c. Chevron – Vitaly Osokin, Business Development Manager New Energies, Asia Pacific (Singapore) d. Santos – Nick Pembshaw, Vice President, Infrastructure (Adelaide) Moderator : Phil Solomon, Managing Director, Berkeley Research Group (Singapore) 7. Closing Remarks (4:45 pm – 5:00 pm) 8. Networking and Cocktail Reception (5:00 pm – 7:00 pm)

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • WEBINAR: Nueva Tecnología para Optimizar y Automatizar la Producción en Campos Maduros

    Thursday, January 25, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de nuestro Webinar sobre Nueva tecnología para optimizar y automatizar la producción en campos maduros? Nuestro ponente nos dará a conocer esta tecnología y su uso en la Industria Petrolera en Venezuela, aprovechando su potencial para la recuperación de la producción diferida en campos maduros. También, nos mostrará en qué consiste esta tecnología, qué es y cómo funciona la válvula automática de superficie, su instalación, requisitos de aplicación, pozos candidatos, ventajas y experiencias con resultados de campo. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Julio Granadillo, Ingeniero de Petróleo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, con un Diplomado sobre Formación para Gerentes de la Industria del Petróleo y del Gas Nacional, en el IESA. Ha laborado en las siguientes empresas: Primera Resources en el desarrollo de software; en Castillomax Oil and Gas, S.A como asesor de nuevas tecnologías; en GETCO GULFENERGY COMPANY LIMITED como asesor de proyectos de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos y en la Corporación Venezolana del Petróleo (CVP) en el área de desarrollo de negocios. Actualmente se desempeña como profesor del Ciclo Básico y como Ingeniero de Desarrollo de Tecnologías de Ekabel en la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

  • SAVE THE DATE: SPE NL Black Tie Candlelight Dinner & Dance 2024

    Thursday, January 25, 2024, 07:00 PM - 11:00 PM CET

  • Regenerative Practice for Oil & Gas: Our Unique Opportunity to be Part of the Solution

    Wednesday, February 14, 2024, 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM EET
    Regenerative practice is a new concept for the industry which has practiced resource extraction for over a century. Our industry has an unprecedented opportunity to be a major contributor to climate change solutions due to our training and expertise. Regeneration is a natural outcome of resource stewardship. Just as we, as an industry, strive to be more efficient in our use of time, material, and energy, we must also become better stewards of the conditions that enable humans to thrive on the planet. Our industry is crucial for a prosperous future. Regenerative practice is the key. Concepts like the circular economy, bioeconomics, and biomimicry are discussed and examples of their integration into operations are provided. The key takeaway for this talk is that we all have a role in a regenerative future for the industry

  • Workshop: Introduction to Underground Hydrogen Storage Developments

    Thursday, February 15, 2024, 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM NL
    SPE-NL_UHS_Workshop_Extended_Flyer.pdf SPE_NL_UHS_Workshop_Review.pdf
    Rijswijk, Netherlands

  • WEBINAR: Tecnología LoRaWAN para Automatizar la Producción en Campos de Petróleo y de Gas

    Thursday, February 15, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Cuál es el tema? Tecnología LoRaWAN para automatizar producción en campos de petróleo y de gas. Nuestros ponentes Javier y Elroy nos darán a conocer esta tecnología, la cual se ha comenzado a utilizar en la Industria Petrolera de Venezuela y de otros países, cuyas características permiten su instalación en lugares remotos para mejorar la producción, mediante el ajuste de los parámetros en tiempo real, realizar un estricto control y seguimiento de las operaciones, desde la seguridad de los equipos, los profesionales que allí laboran y el resguardo del medio ambiente. El uso de esta tecnología, con alto esfuerzo local, requiere un estudio de los requerimientos del cliente para su implantación y obtención de resultados exitosos. Es una herramienta de excelente relación costo/beneficio y rápida integración con aplicaciones de software existentes en la empresa del cliente. LoRaWAN ofrece una manera fácil y económica para agilizar objetivos operativos y facilitar la migración a campos digitales y LLot. También nos presentan casos reales de campo, donde se integra exitosamente esta tecnología para atender las necesidades diversas de los pozos. ¿Quiénes son nuestros ponentes? Javier Medina, Ing. en Electrónica, con Especializaciones en Telecom., Gestión y Consultoría de Telecom., y Diplomado en Ciberseguridad, con más de 25 años de experiencia en el mercado de telecomunicación y tecnología. Ha laborado en diferentes empresas como Siemens, Nortel y ZTE. Posee amplia experiencia con fabricantes de equipos como como Huawei, Cisco, Juniper. Actualmente se desempeña como gerente de la empresa COLBITS, compañía orientada a I+D y enfocada en desarrollar sistemas embebidos (hardware y software) para aplicaciones en el ecosistema de Territorios Inteligentes. Elroy Rosado, BSc en Tecnología y Comun., MBA, con Diplomados en Sist. de Telemetría y Automat. y Control. Con experiencia mayor a 25 años, ha laborado en Schneider Electric, Control Microsystems y Freeware Technologies, desempeñando cargos ejecutivos relacionados con ventas y desarrollo de nuevos negocios para América. Actualmente se desempeña como CEO en la empresa Advance Industrial Wireless Technologies and Solutions (AIWTS), con sede en USA.. Te esperamos!

  • SPE NL March Meeting & Lecture

    Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM BA
    The Hague, Netherlands

  • WEBINAR: Activando tu Liderazgo Personal...Estrategias para el Éxito en Transiciones Críticas

    Thursday, March 7, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de está presentación? Es un webinar diseñado para profesionales en busca de herramientas prácticas para triunfar en momentos de cambio y desafío. Este evento único muestra cómo el liderazgo es esencial en el lugar de labores y crucial en la vida cotidiana. Exploramos diversas habilidades de liderazgo: comunicación asertiva, toma de decisiones, gestión de conflictos y la dirección personal. Mostramos nuevas perspectivas sobre este tema y estrategias probadas para gestionar desafíos y comprender la importancia del liderazgo personal en la consecución de las metas. Aprenderemos como enfocar soluciones para superar crisis de identidad, estrés financiero e impacto emocional con métodos prácticos como Inteligencia Emocional, Resiliencia, Networking y Planificación Estratégica Adaptativa. Aprovecha esta experiencia transformadora y la oportunidad de descubrir el líder que llevas dentro y así trazar un curso hacia el éxito en todas las áreas de tu vida. Prepárate para desatar tu potencial de liderazgo. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Alessandro Ungredda, Ing. Mecánico egresado de la USB, VZLA, en 1986, y con MSc en Gerencia de Tecnología en el MIT, Cambridge MA, en 1993. Es un profesional con más de 30 años de experiencia en la Industria del Petróleo y del Gas y una amplia trayectoria en planificación estratégica y gestión de tecnología. Su recorrido profesional incluye roles clave en consultoría gerencial, desarrollo de negocios y liderazgo de proyectos en empresas líderes del sector. Alessandro es reconocido por su capacidad para comunicar ideas complejas de manera clara y efectiva. Su enfoque práctico y orientado a resultados, junto con su experiencia internacional y multilingüe, lo convierten en un experto calificado para impartir este webinar "Activando tu Liderazgo Personal: Estrategias para el Éxito en Transiciones Críticas". Aprovecha esta oportunidad única de aprender de un profesional con una amplia experiencia en la industria. Te esperamos!

  • SPE Distinguished Lecture - Jaideva Goswami - Early Kick Detection

    Friday, March 22, 2024, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM NT
    PLEASE RSVP BELOW A kick or an influx may be defined as an unintended flow of formation fluid into the borehole. It occurs when the wellbore pressure falls below the formation pore pressure. Not all kicks are dangers; however, an uncontrolled kick can lead to catastrophic events. A reliable early kick detection and monitoring system is critical to maintaining wellbore stability. Typically, the gain in pit volume and change in flow rate serve as some of the primary kick indicators. Secondary indicators include borehole pressure, temperature, resistivity, mud properties, and cuttings. While the gain in pit volume can indicate the kick with higher reliability, the downhole measurements in conjunction with high-speed telemetry and advanced real-time processing algorithms can be an effective early warning system, enabling timely mitigation plans. This lecture begins with some basics of wellbore stability, kick indicators, and monitoring systems. Various downhole sensor measurements and their relevance to kick detection are discussed. Both experimental and field examples are presented to illustrate the methodology. Pressure data are analyzed to estimate change in density and correlate it with the type, location, and evolution of the influx along the wellbore. Some innovative ideas on sensor design and realtime data processing for event detection and uncertainty quantification are discussed. One key message from this lecture: Kicks can be catastrophic, but recent and future developments in sensor technology, data processing, and telemetry are enabling timely identification and mitigation plans.

    Contact Information

    St. John's, NF, Canada

  • WEBINAR: Perspectivas del Gas Natural en Venezuela

    Thursday, April 4, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de está presentación? Nuestro ponente nos presenta una visión del negocio del gas natural en Venezuela, más enfocada en el midstream y downstream. Los retos y oportunidades en materia de gas, el entendimiento del mercado, la fijación de los precios, los mercados de exportación y las oportunidades en el mercado interno venezolano. Igualmente, nos dará a conocer la infraestructura existente y nos permitirá entender la base de recursos. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Antero Alvarado, Lic. en Admón. de Negocios y Maestría en Economía de la Energía, IFP, Francia. Desde el 2014 se desempeña como profesor del IESA, especialidad gas natural, cuyo objetivo es incentivar el uso en Venezuela, en sustitución de combustibles líquidos, y la reducción de emisiones de CO2, producto de la quema de este recurso. Ha sido tutor de diversos trabajos de grado y ha formado a más de 300 estudiantes en el área del gas natural. Fue fundador de la oficina de GELA en Venezuela y actualmente, es socio y director de Gas Energy Latín América. Por más de 20 años ha liderado estudios de la rentabilidad del gas natural en la región y la evaluación de riesgos de mercados. Desde 2021 es Chairman del Caracas Gas Forum, evento único que une el ámbito de los negocios con la academia, orientado a posicionar a Venezuela y a este encuentro como el de mayor prestigio a nivel nacional. Antero, es invitado, como experto en la región, a dictar charlas, a participar en foros y en programas de radio y televisión, a nivel nacional e internacional. También, escribe para Energy Advisor, revista del Inter-American Dialogue con sede en Washington. Es co-autor y autor de varios libros, entre los cuales están: Energía y Dignidad Humana, Gas Natural en Venezuela Incentivos Regulación y Transición; La Industria gasífera en Venezuela. Es autor de las publicaciones: Gas para todos: Transición Energética y Justicia Social en Venezuela. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Caracas 2023 y Llegó la hora del gas natural, Revista SIC, diciembre 2022.

  • Let's Challenge the Deepwater Well Design Paradigm with Casing Drilling

    Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM EET
    Deepwater well design has not really evolved in the last half-century. A major design deficiency is the shallow setting depth of the initial conductor casing not leveraging the increasing fracture gradient below the seafloor. The initial conductor setting depth is limited to about 400 feet below the seafloor due to the technical limitations of the jetting process. Jetting uses bit and mud motor technology without pipe rotation to “push” the conductor casing into the formation without pipe rotation which is insufficient for drilling harder sediment. The result is premature slimming of well architecture in the riserless interval leading to narrow drilling operating pressure windows deeper in the well. This deficiency in well design and inefficient mitigation of shallow hazards are reasons deepwater operators may fall short of their well construction objectives. This presentation makes the case for casing drilling as a viable replacement for jetting in the initial conductor. Unlike jetting, casing drilling is a more mechanically efficient drilling system not limited by mud motor output as it uses casing rotation to drill. Casing drilling is well-proven in land and shallow water operations for top-hole drilling efficiency, reducing flat times and mitigating hazard intervals in a single trip. This talk will discuss transitioning casing drilling to the deepwater riserless interval where it can be an enabling technology to deepen the initial conductor depth based on fracture gradient, a mitigant for shallow hazards, and a means of providing deepwater operators a more optimal well design for a successful outcome. Speaker Biography: Steve Rosenberg is Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Subsea Drive Corporation. He has held various engineering and management positions for Weatherford with 40 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, including operator and rig contractor drilling engineering positions. Steve served as an SPE Distinguished Lecturer for the 2020-2021 season and is widely regarded as a subject matter expert in casing and liner drilling applications having authored numerous papers and articles on these subjects. Additionally, he holds three patents. Steve earned BS degrees; in Petroleum Engineering from Mississippi State University and in Biology from St. Lawrence University.
    Cairo, Egypt

  • Geothermal - Overview

    Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM SGT
    The talk will cover main aspects of the geothermal industry with a special focus on the subsurface exploration for heat capacity of an area. - types of heat sources - map of the world with main infos : countries where geothermal plays an important role, highlights about what's happening and what happened) - types of usage (heat or electricity prod), types of development - stages of development - important rules and regulations to abide other international and give some local highlights - why is geothermal developed (strength) and what are the weaknesses (risks, difficulties, costs) - some notable examples Bio: Christovik Simatupang is Baker Hughes Geothermal Advisor. Prior to that he was Chevron's geochemistry specialist with focus on geothermal. He has 20 years supporting the geothermal industry, especially in the field of geochemistry and geology, and co-authored 17 papers. The geothermal experiences were obtained from various geothermal systems, namely, - steam dominated in Darajat, - liquid dominated in Salak, - fault-controlled system in Silangkitang, - supergene acidic and high gas system in Namora-I-Langit, - concealed outflow system in Sorik Marapi, - supergene acidic system in Sokoria. In addition, the exploration work and conceptual modeling covers various prospects in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Japan. In addition, the exploration geochemistry work and conceptual modelling covers various prospects in Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, Iceland, Taiwan and Africa. The exposure to different heat extraction technologies, i.e., single flash, double flash, and combined cycle binary in the aforementioned geothermal fields has also contributed to the enhancement of thorough knowledge and understanding on the full complete cycle of geothermal utilization, not to mention, the fluid treatment to prevent corrosion and scaling by using NaOH, H 2 SO 4 and chemical polymer inhibition. The sphere of influence has been widened by involving in ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) projects for instance air dispersion modelling of carbon and H 2 S emission. Gathering around 6PM, delicious Italian food and networking Talk 6:45PM - 7:15PM Q&A and further networking till 8:30PM Cost (for registration in advance): Members $35 / Non-members $50 / Students-retired-unemployed $25 Please register through this website so we record your name and email address. We only receive payment by Paynow or bank transfer. IMPORTANT: You will need to make a payment in advance. Please pay by Paynow to WCW at 8337 4173. Remember to indicate your name in the reference. Official receipt will be sent to your email after the event. Payment at the door is $75 for everyone. See you soon! Please feel free to contact Arinta via WhatsApp or email for any questions or clarification. Contact details below.

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • WEBINAR: El Valor del Dato en los Procesos de E&P

    Thursday, April 25, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Sabemos para qué se utiliza un dato y cómo interpretar los resultados que genera ese dato? La gerencia adecuada de los recursos hidrocarburiferos es posible si disponemos de una cantidad y calidad de datos o información en los diferentes procesos de la cadena de valor, lo que permite analizar, comprender y definir mejores estrategias y realizar simulaciones para la optimización de los procesos. Nuestra ponente nos define la criticidad del dato en los procesos de Exploración y Producción de Hidrocarburos, además de cómo obtenerlo y validarlo, ilustrando con ejemplos prácticos el impacto en los resultados al utilizar datos imprecisos o erróneos. ¿Quién es nuestra ponente? María Asunción Llamedo Cueto, Ingeniero Químico egresada en 1991 de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), con Especialización en Procesos Químicos (1997), Diplomado en Yacimientos Avanzados (2006) y Diplomado en Gas Natural (2008), todos estos estos grados académicos en la UCV. Es candidata a Doctorado Individualizado en Ciencias de Ingeniería UCV. Se ha desempeñado por más de 30 años en PDVSA, Intevep, liderando diversos proyectos en el área de recuperación mejorada de petróleo; procesos químicos: sistemas de polímeros, ASP, geles y procesos térmicos, principalmente, Combustión In Situ (ISC) y estudios con simulación numérica de yacimientos. Posee experiencias en el área de laboratorio y campo, con hidratos de gas natural como fuente de energía no convencional, a nivel experimental y modelado, simulación numérica y en el área de aseguramiento de flujo. Se desempeña como profesora de Postgrado de la EIP de la UCV y desde 2019, tiempo parcial, es docente en la Universidad Metropolitana, Dpto. de Energía y Automatización. Es mentora y asesora de tesis de pregrado y posgrado en ingeniería química y petrolera. Es coautora de numerosas publicaciones nacionales e internacionales, con varios reconocimientos. Posee una patente estadounidense aprobada y otra en proceso de revisión. Actualmente integra el Equipo de la JD de la SPE Caracas Petroleum Section.

  • Professional Ethics for Petroleum Engineers

    Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM CT
    Professional Ethics for Petroleum E ngineers W. R. “Rick” Farmer IV, P.E., SPEC Double R Engineering, LLC April 30, 2024 Noon – 1 PM CST 11:30 AM Lunch served Petroleum Club of Lafayette - 111 Heymann Blvd, Lafayette, LA Abstract Ethical practices in petroleum engineering are important for upholding industry standards, improving the public perception of our industry, and preserving our individual integrity. This meeting will include an introduction to concepts and guidelines for professional ethics and both in-person and online participants will discuss some real examples of the ethical challenges that arise in the practice of petroleum engineering. Please contact the speaker, Rick, if you know of ethical issues or questions that would be beneficial to discuss in the meeting. Members of all experience levels and specialties should find relevance in the examples. Participants will be credited with 1 PDH to fulfill the annual requirement for continuing education on ethics for professional engineers and can potentially be used for those who still need an ethics credit for 2024. Biography W. R. “Rick” Farmer, P.E. is the owner of Double R Engineering, LLC, a consulting company. Rick has over 45 years in the oilfield, starting as a roustabout / roughneck / pumper through college and then as an engineer for the Union Oil Company of California. He worked for Petroleum Engineers, Inc. and Crescent Drilling & Production where he became a partner. Rick was the Drilling and Completion Manager at Century Exploration. He worked at Stone Energy as a Deepwater Planning Engineer. Rick began studying for his Fundamental Engineer Exam and his Professional Engineering License Exam following the Deepwater Horizon / Macondo Incident. From 2019-2021, he worked for Beacon Offshore Exploration as their P.E. for work involving the Transocean “Asgard”. In 2022, at Cantium, LLC, Rick worked as a Drilling Engineer designing the Kings Hill Well, which was drilled in Bay Marchand Field in 2023, to 24.000’ through 12,500’ of salt from an independent backup. He has approximately 39 years of experience in Designing and Supervising Well Operations, including drilling, completions, workovers, and plug and abandonment work in the GOM and inland waters of Louisiana and Texas. Of this work, the majority has been in the Deepwater, Jackup, and Inland Barge work. Since 2016, Rick has been an Industry Professor developing and teaching petroleum engineering classes. He has served on the Delta Section of SPE as a Director at Large and on the Evangeline Section as Director at Large and as Vice President. Rick has served on the American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) on the Lafayette and New Orleans Chapter Boards and on the National Board as National President. From 2019-2021, he worked for Beacon Offshore Exploration as their P.E. for work involving the Transocean “Asgard”. In 2022, Rick Rick is a member of the Louisiana Engineering Society, SEG, AAPG, ASME, and ASM. He is a licensed engineer in the State of Louisiana. Any feedback will be welcome for the Evangeline Section meeting: Meal headcount DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th. NOTE: If registered after April 24th, The Petroleum Club may not have enough prepared food for you to have lunch. Registration is required to attend the event. Recommended guidelines regarding COVID-19 will be followed. Lunch served ~11:30 AM. Anyone with an interest in this subject is very welcome to attend. *Note Pricing Details SPE Members: $25 if paid by Wednesday, April 24, 2024. $30 if registered by April 24, 2024 and select Pay at Door. Note: the email invoice will show $25, but $30 will be charged at the door. $30 if no pre-registration. If you use a Petroleum Club Membership to pay, please register and choose Pay at Door. Your Petroleum Club account will be charged $30. NON-SPE Members: $35 if paid by Wednesday, April 24, 2024. $40 if registered by April 24, 2024 and select Pay at Door. Note: the email invoice will show $35, but $40 will be charged at the door. $40 if no pre-registration. For Petroleum Club Membership to pay, please register and choose Pay at Door. Your Petroleum Club account will be charged $40. Students/Faculty: First ten (10) are free; >10 then $10 / $15 at the door. Students/Faculty must email David Boucher for lunch vouchers by Wednesday, April 24th, and there is no need to register on the SPE website. Valid for current SPE Evangeline Section SSPE members only . Members in Transition (looking for work ) $0 in-person if pre-registered by April 24, 2024. Join us to network and keep your industry knowledge current at no cost if you are not currently employed. AND Please email David Boucher . Valid for current SPE Evangeline Section members only. See this guide for step-by-step instructions on registering. If you have trouble registering, try disabling the pop-up blocker in your web browser. If you continue to have problems, contact . To receive a Continuing Education Credit Certificate by email, please email Continuing Education by April 24 or sign the roster at the meeting. You will be emailed after our meeting. Monthly Meeting = 1 CEU.

    Contact Information

    Lafayette, LA, United States

  • Biofuel's role in the low carbon landscape - Joint Event with IchemE

    Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM SGT
    Abstract: Biofuels can be a suitable alternative to fossil fuels as low-carbon fuels because they mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of climate change caused by transportation and power generation. For this purpose, industry has focused on increasing production and improving the efficiency of the production process of biofuels and Sustainable Aviation Fuel. The need for sustainable transportation fuels is a critical issue in all societies globally. Post Covid the need for personal F2F interaction and international travel has been reinforced. We can’t do without it. For ground transportation, electrification with batteries in EVs is growing rapidly. Though this has distance limitations. For long distance air transportation, the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel must grow as quickly as we can create it. However, this is neither easy nor cheap. SAF and Biofuels have both technical and ESG challenges. The key to the S-sustainability is the use of bio renewable and recycled feedstocks. These are in limited supply and have wide variability nationally and regionally. We don’t want to have another food vs fuel conflict, as we have seen in the past. What we need to determine is how best can we create the most sustainable and cost-effective ways of producing SAF and Biofuels? One of the tried and proven ways of determining how best to produce SAF & Biofuels, or any hydrocarbon fuel, is by utilising process simulation. To do this accurately each potential feedstock must be characterised, mathematically/digitally, so that the behaviour of each molecule, or groups of molecules, can be determined in a variety of process equipment. Simulation also offers a very effective way of tracking the Carbon Intensity of each molecule as it passes and changes through a process which can provide the CI audit trail of any fuel product. A critical step in certifying a fuel product’s greenness. Our obligation, as the SPE, is that we must address all aspects of creating this sustainable part of the cyclic economy. In turn we must communicate these to the regulatory authorities and to the public to create clear understanding of the technical and ESG issues. This is so that the most effective regulatory polices are put in place which most benefit society both today and create a cleaner environment in the future, for our children and grandchildren. This presentation will delve into some of the diverse feedstocks and the process synthesis routes for making SAF and Biofuels, addressing some of the issues around scalability and efficiency of these feedstocks. It will discuss process simulation technology which can be used to select economically viable and sustainable SAF and Bio Fuel production schemes, create and design new processes, optimise their operations, track CI, energy efficiency and minimise lifecycle cumulative emissions. Speaker: Russell Byfield FIEAust CPEng NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) RPEQ SPE Russell has over 30 years’ international experience in the Petroleum and Process Industries. Russell has held a variety of global, regional and international technical, managerial, directorial & chairman roles. He has experience in refinery operations and planning, oil & gas field development, reservoir engineering, process facilities design, fabrication, commissioning and operations, technology commercialization, business strategy & planning and since 2000 has mainly focused on the modelling, analytics, digitalization, optimization and decarbonization of the Oil & Gas and process industries. Russell has a Chemical Engineering Degree with Honours from Adelaide University, is a Fellow of Engineers Australia, a Chartered Professional Engineer, Registered Professional Engineer in Petroleum and Chemical Engineering and is a Past Chair of the Queensland Branch of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Gathering around 6PM, drinks nibbles and networking Talk 6:45PM - 7:15PM Q&A and further networking till 8:30PM Cost (for registration in advance): Members $35 / Non-members $50 / Students-retired-unemployed $25 Please register through this website so we record your name and email address. We only receive payment by Paynow or bank transfer. IMPORTANT: You will need to make a payment in advance. Please pay by Paynow to WCW at 8337 4173. Remember to indicate your name in the reference. Official receipt will be sent to your email after the event. Payment at the door is $75 for everyone. See you soon! Please feel free to contact Arinta via WhatsApp or email for any questions or clarification.

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • WEBINAR: Prevención y Mitigación de la Contaminación por Hidrocarburos

    Thursday, May 16, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de está presentación? Nuestro ponente nos presenta medidas preventivas de control y mitigación ante eventos contaminantes, ocasionados por el manejo de hidrocarburos, considerando algunos instrumentos técnicos de gestión, orientados a la remediación y restauración ambiental, mencionando los tipos de tratamientos adecuados, según el caso, y el manejo y disposición final de los desechos peligrosos que se generan. Obtendremos una visión general de los elementos de gestión asociados a la prevención de eventos contaminantes asociados al manejo de hidrocarburos, y la mitigación de sus efectos hasta alcanzar el restablecimiento del área afectada. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? José Mauro Caruso C. Ing. Forestal con Maestría en Tecnología de Productos Forestales. Profesional jubilado de la Industria Petrolera venezolana, en la cual desempeñó cargos supervisorios y gerenciales en las áreas de control de derrames de hidrocarburos, gestión ambiental, manejo de desechos, saneamiento y restauración ambiental, prevención y control de emergencias. También, coordinó operaciones enmarcadas en el Plan Nacional de Contingencia contra Derrames de Hidrocarburos de PDVSA en el Lago de Maracaibo y en el Río Catatumbo. Participó en el Plan Bilateral de Contingencia contra Derrames de Hidrocarburos suscrito entre ECOPETROL y PDVSA. Ha laborado en actividades de limpieza y remediación ambiental en selva. Actualmente se desempeña como Consultor y como facilitador para adiestramiento y formación en las áreas de su especialidad y para formación como Auditor Interno. Es Auditor Líder en la trinorma ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018.

  • Carbon Capture and Storage and the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS)

    Monday, May 20, 2024, 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM SGT
    Rawdon Seager, Gaffney, Cline & Associates Abstract: After the lecture, members will understand the importance of carbon capture and storage in the transition to a lower carbon future, and know how to evaluate quantities consistently using the SRMS. As part of the international effort to combat global warming, significant attention is being given to ways to sequester (store for the long-term) carbon dioxide, which is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. It is therefore critical that there is a universal means to record the storable quantities by recognizing the maturity of the projects to be implemented and the confidence that can be placed in the estimated volumes to be sequestered. This talk will look at some of the ways in which carbon dioxide can be stored and provide a review of the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) framework prepared by the Society of Petroleum Engineers to classify and categorize the storable quantities. The talk will cover: • An overview of carbon capture, utilization and storage, including the role of greenhouse gasses in global warming • Discussion of typical modes of storage of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers and depleted oil and gas fields • Review of the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS), including principles and key definitions • Discussion of economics and evaluation methods • A hypothetical example Biography: Rawdon Seager is a reservoir engineer with over 50 years’ experience in the international oil and gas arena with Shell, Huffco and, since 1985, Gaffney, Cline & Associates, where he is Chief Reservoir Engineer and Global Director of Quality Assurance. He is currently ivolved in CCS studies and application of the SRMS. He has a BSc in Physics from Bristol University and an MSc in Petroleum Engineering from Imperial College, London. Rawdon is past Chairman of the SPE Oil and Gas Reserves Committee and past member of the Board and current Chair of the Reserves Definitions Committee of the SPEE. Cost (for registration in advance): Members $35 / Non-members $50 / Students-retired-unemployed $25 Please register through this website so we record your name and email address. We only receive payment by Paynow or bank transfer. IMPORTANT: You will need to make a payment in advance. Please pay by Paynow to WCW at 8337 4173. Remember to indicate your name in the reference. Official receipt will be sent to your email after the event. Payment at the door is $75 for everyone. See you soon! Please feel free to contact Arinta via WhatsApp or email for any questions or clarification. Contact details below.

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • 2024 SPE Great Yarmouth Section Annual General Meeting

    Thursday, May 23, 2024, 12:30 PM - 02:30 PM UTC
    The Section Board would like to invite you to the 2024 SPE Great Yarmouth Section Annual General Meeting to be held at the Imperial Hotel Great Yarmouth on Thursday 23rd May 2024 commencing at 12-30hrs. If you would like to be involved with the Section and become a Board Member, then this is an excellent way to contribute and join in and shape the future of the Section. Following the Meeting a sit down lunch will be provided. Agenda Chairman’s Repor Treasurers Report Membership Update Resignation of 2023-2024 Board Members Election of Board Members for 2024 -2025 Any other business for which due notice has been received If you wish to join us, then please email or call on 01493 658488 Kind Regards SPE Great Yarmouth Section

    Contact Information

    Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom

  • "Steering convencional and unconventional wells with positive displacement motor. Advancements and f

    Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM ART
    Este Miercoles, te invitamos al primer DL 2024: "Steering convencional and unconventional wells with positive displacement motor. Advancements and future directions". A cargo del disertante Samuel Robello (Chief technical advisor - Halliburton). El evento es en el hotel Tower (Belgrano 174), el 29 de mayo a las 18hs. En Neuquén capital. No te lo pierdas! Abierto al público, prioridad a socios SPE. Registrate aquí:

  • WEBINAR: Integridad de Pozos

    Thursday, June 13, 2024, 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de está presentación? Definición del tema de nuestro ponente: “La integridad del pozo se define como la aplicación de soluciones técnicas, operativas y organizativas para reducir el riesgo de liberación incontrolada de fluidos de formación y del pozo a lo largo del ciclo de vida de un pozo”. La exposición incluye la gestión de la integridad de pozos durante la vida útil, desde el diseño hasta el abandono (WIMS), las normativas y estándares internacionales aplicables, entre otros: NORSOK, ISO; API, OEUK, las definiciones de barreras, especificando el número, los elementos, el esquema por actividad, la prueba y el monitoreo de los elementos. También, nos mostrará el manejo de las presiones anulares durante la vida útil del pozo y acciones tendientes al restablecimiento de las barreras. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Nicolás Galíndez, Ing. de Petróleo egresado de la Universidad de Oriente de Venezuela, UDO, en 1984, con M.Sc. en Ing. de Petróleo obtenido en la Colorado School of Mines, en 1994. Laboró en la Industria Petrolera, en Venezuela, durante 18 años, desempeñando diversas posiciones a nivel operacional y gerencial. Ha sido consultor en México, Vietnam, EE.UU. y Rusia hasta el 2005 En 2005 ingresa a Saudi ARAMCO y en el 2008 a Repsol (Madrid), laborando allí hasta el 2017. Desde el 2018 hasta el 2023 laboró para Frontera Energy Corp en Bogotá, Colombia. Actualmente se desempeña como consultor en el área de integridad y abandono de pozos. Durante sus 38 años de experiencia profesional ha desempañado funciones técnicas y gerenciales en las áreas de perforación, adiestramiento, QA e integridad de pozos. Ha colaborado con la transferencia del conocimiento, como miembro de la directiva de la Sociedad de Ingenieros de Petróleo de la Costa Oriental de Lago, Venezuela, y como Chairman de la SPE de España.

  • SPE Europe Energy Conference & Exhibition

    Wednesday, June 26 - Friday, June 28, 2024
    “It is not only a matter of setting the vision, we need to outline the strategy to implement that vision. And the strategy can be successful only if the technical challenges we have ahead of us are first met. At Europec the larger community can take a step forward in this direction. Researchers, professionals, and academics are invited to discuss the technical challenges to be solved, identify the knowledge gaps, and share research progress and industry results - actively contributing to paving the way to the energy transition.” “The SPE Europe Energy Conference stimulates the technical integration that addresses today’s energy transition challenges in the petroleum industry. The conference will accelerate knowledge sharing that will impact the sustainable future of Europe’s energy landscape
    Turin, Italy

  • Unconventional Field Development: Challenges and Differences Outside North America.

    Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM EET
    Our distinguished speaker, Anwar Husen Akbar Ali , Vice President of Sub-Surface and Petroleum Engineering for NESR, will present on ' Unconventional Field Development: Challenges and Differences Outside North America .' NESR sponsors this event.
    Cairo, Egypt

  • WEBINAR: Prácticas sostenibles en la Industria Petrolera: optimización de procesos, seguridad y resp

    Thursday, July 4, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de nuestro evento? Exploraremos cómo la Industria Petrolera, IP, puede equilibrar la eficiencia operativa y la conservación del medio ambiente, desde estrategias para optimizar la eficiencia sin comprometer la seguridad hasta la integración de energías renovables. Examinaremos cómo las empresas pueden adoptar prácticas sostenibles para un futuro más seguro y responsable. El objetivo es fomentar la sostenibilidad en la IP, en un contexto marcado por el cambio climático y la degradación ambiental. Abordaremos la optimización de procesos, la garantía de la seguridad y el respeto al medio ambiente, promoviendo una transición hacia una industria más sostenible y comprometida con el entorno. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Jorge Pinedo, B.Sc . en Ing. Mecánica y Maestría en Ing. de Petróleo de Heriot-Watt University, Reino Unido. Su experiencia de más de 30 años, a nivel operacional, técnico y gerencial, la ha desarrollado en tierra y en alta mar en diversas áreas de la Industria Petrolera, incluyendo: petróleo, gas y gas de carbón, metano, exploración, evaluación, vigilancia y optimización de la producción, gestión de yacimientos, modelaje integrado de producción, gestión integrada de proyectos e implementación de sistemas de gestión QHSE. Su trayectoria en gestión de operaciones de producción abarca desde la exploración, el yacimiento, la preparación para la operación y puesta en marcha para la producción hasta las ventas, supervisando al personal de las áreas operacionales y al de la oficina. Ha laborado en: el Mar del Norte del Reino Unido, los Países Bajos, Pakistán, Egipto, Kuwait, Indonesia, Australia, Omán, Italia, Qatar, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, China, Argelia, Perú e Iraq. Posee una larga trayectoria como colaborador de la SPE a nivel regional e internacional.

  • Recent Trends in Oil & Gas Project Performance

    Thursday, July 11, 2024, 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM SGT
    Independent Project Analysis (IPA) has been looking into how the global oil & gas projects are typically performing in recent years and the key challenges they face. This paper offers an examination of project performance, emphasizing the major factors and obstacles influencing the effective implementation of capital projects. At the same time, the ever-evolving and multifaceted world economy has experienced a surge in infrastructure development, technological advancements, sustainability related efforts, and innovation-driven initiatives in recent times. Nonetheless, the achieving favourable outcomes in capital projects remains a source of concern, given the various factors influencing their success. This study seeks to explore the various dimensions of project planning and its repercussions on project outcomes globally. Additionally, it delves into industry best practices aimed at mitigating the prevalence of unsatisfactory project results. SPEAKER : Manoj Prabhakar Company/Institution : Independent Project Analysis (IPA) Inc Education : PhD, MBA Bio : Manoj joined IPA in 2011 and currently serves as Director (Singapore), to look after clients in Asia. During his time at IPA, he has conducted over two hundred risk evaluations of Oil & Gas, petrochemical, power, renewable and construction projects in the Asia-Pacific region and globally for various clients, including national oil companies, super majors, and independents. Prior to IPA, Manoj performed six years of post-graduate academic research in the geological sciences and has performed a decade of technical consulting activities related to oil & gas industries with major international and national oil companies in the Asia-Australia region. Gathering around 6PM, delicious Italian food and networking Talk 6:45PM - 7:15PM Q&A and further networking till 8:30PM Cost (for registration in advance): Members $35 / Non-members $50 / Students-retired-unemployed $25 Please register through this website so we record your name and email address. We only receive payment by Paynow or bank transfer. IMPORTANT: You will need to make a payment in advance. Please pay by Paynow to WCW at 8337 4173. Remember to indicate your name in the reference. Official receipt will be sent to your email after the event. Payment at the door is $75 for everyone. See you soon! Please feel free to contact Arinta via WhatsApp or email for any questions or clarification. Contact details below.

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • WEBINAR: La Aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial en Eventos Imprevistos en Perforación

    Thursday, July 25, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de nuestro evento? La inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando la perforación de pozos de petróleo, permitiendo la identificación y gestión proactiva de eventos imprevistos. La IA puede detectar anomalías operativas, prever problemas potenciales y optimizar los parámetros de perforación, mediante el uso de algoritmos de Machine Learning (ML) y el análisis de datos en tiempo real, mejorando así la eficiencia y la seguridad del proceso. El objetivo general de la aplicación de la IA en la perforación es reducir el riesgo de fallos operativos, minimizar el tiempo de inactividad y maximizar la productividad. Al anticipar y abordar problemas antes de que ocurran, se logra una operación más segura y rentable. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Luis Enrique Morán Herrera, graduado como Ingeniero Petroquímico de la UNI de Lima, ha sido Certificado como Instructor Internacional en Well Control, Operaciones de Perforación y Completación y Reparación de Pozos de IADC. También, obtuvo un Diplomado en Dirección de Proyectos y una Maestría en Dirección y Consultoría Turística. Su trayectoria profesional de más de 40 años de experiencia en operaciones de perforación y completación de pozos, incluye consultoría y dictado de cursos en sus áreas de especialidad. Ha laborado en Petróleos del Perú, GMP y Petrobras (On Shore, Perú), BPZ Exploration, Pacific Rubiales, Savia y Frontera (Off Shore, Perú), Pluspetrol, Gran Tierra y Petrotal (Selva, Perú), Compañías Bolifor (Bolivia), Halliburton y Dresser Kellogg (Venezuela), Repsol (Libia) y Schlumberger (México). Actualmente, se desempeña como Consultor Senior e Instructor de cursos especializados de Perforación y Completación en la Compañía Petro Energy Consultants. Ha participado como expositor en diversos congresos y en Universidades del Perú (Universidad Nacional de Piura y Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, San Agustín de Arequipa), en Bolivia y en la SPE Section de Lima. Adicionalmente, forma parte del Equipo de Instructores/Mentores del los Programas PAI y PAI_API de la SPE Caracas Petroleum Section.

  • WEBINAR: Metodología Aplicada en la Estimación y Evaluación de Recursos y Reservas en la Industria P

    Thursday, August 15, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de nuestro evento? En la industria, es crucial desarrollar tecnologías y procesos para reducir la incertidumbre en los estimados de volúmenes de petróleo y de gas. La metodología del “Sistema de Gerenciamiento de Recursos de Petróleo” (PRMS) proporciona una guía para reducir la subjetividad en el cálculo de recursos y reservas, asegurando calidad, fiabilidad y consistencia en los estimados. Esta presentación introduce un enfoque coherente con un marco integral de clasificación y categorización, para cumplir éticamente con la información periódica actualizada de estas volumetrías. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Marcelo Laprea-Bigott, Ing. de Petróleo, egresado de la Universidad del Zulia, LUZ, Venezuela; con M.Sc . y Ph.D. en Ing. de Petróleo, obtenidos en Texas A&M University. Se ha desempeñado como Profesor de la Universidad de Oriente, UDO, Venezuela y como Profesor Adjunto Visitante en Texas A&M y en Tulsa University. Ocupó el puesto de Director Asistente del Instituto de Energía de Texas A&M. Actualmente, ejerce la posición de Profesor de Práctica de Harold Vance Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas A&M University. Ejerció el cargo de Presidente de S.A. Holditch-Venezuela y de SIMUPET, C.A., firmas de consultoría en Ingeniería petrolera y Consorcio Lamar C.A., inspección y gerencia integrada de tubulares. Se ha especializado en proyectos para el desarrollo de competencias técnicas. Ha sido distinguido con la Legión de Honor de la SPE International, forma parte de la SVIP, de la Pi Epsilon Tau y de la Sigma XI. Fundó y desempeñó el cargo de primer presidente de la Cámara Venezolana del Petróleo de Anzoátegui, Venezuela. Integra el Equipo de Oradores, Ponentes e Instructores/Mentores del Programa PAI de la Caracas Petroleum Section.

  • Production Analysis with MATLAB

    Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CT
    Abstract: In this session, we demonstrate how users can create and deploy web applications with MATLAB. To demonstrate the steps involved, we showcase a web app for the analysis of oil and gas production data entirely built with MATLAB. The demo covers topics like date pre-processing and cleaning, working with custom regression models, and authoring interactive applications. Highlights from this session include working with unstructured data sets, automatic function generation, custom regression models for decline curve analysis, and petroleum economics. Speaker's Bio: Oscar Molina is a senior application engineer with MathWorks focusing on code generation, application deployment, and software development with MATLAB. Oscar has extensive experience with software architecture and design, object-oriented programming, and high-performance computing. Oscar holds master's and PhD degrees in petroleum engineering, a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, and is currently pursuing his master’s degree in computer science for the Georgia Institute of Technology.

    Contact Information

    Farmers Branch, TX, United States

  • WEBINAR: Estado del Arte de la Evaluación e Interpretación de Pruebas de Presión

    Thursday, September 5, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de nuestra presentación sobre Estado del arte de la evaluación e interpretación de pruebas de presión? El especialista nos presenta el estado actual de la metodología de interpretación de pruebas de presión y la tendencia a futuro. Los resultados se sustentan en la experiencia de campo, en diseño e interpretación de pruebas, y en la revisión y análisis de numerosos artículos técnicos publicados sobre este tema. V eremos los fundamentos, limitaciones y la evolución histórica, desde la década del año 1950 hasta el presente, de los métodos más relevantes usados para el análisis: Horner, curvas tipo, derivativa y deconvolución y las soluciones analíticas, numéricas, lineales o no lineales. También, nos describe la aplicación de métodos de Inteligencia Artificial usados en la identificación de modelos de interpretación y algunos algoritmos utilizados en aprendizaje automático (Machine Learning) para el análisis de los datos de presión y caudal, en particular cuando la adquisición de datos es mediante un sensor de fondo permanente. Finalmente, nos indica la metodología de interpretación a aplicar cuando los datos de presión correspondan a pozos completados en yacimientos no convencionales. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Giovanni Da Prat, Lic. en Física, de la UCV, Caracas. Obtuvo el Ms.C. en Geofísica y el Ph.D. en Ing. de Petróleo de la Universidad de Stanford, CA. Ingeniero de yacimientos desde el año 2000, desempeñándose como consultor para empresas como: Schlumberger, Halliburton, YPF, Pluspetrol, Repsol, y como educador, especializado en interpretación de datos de presión y caudal transiente (PTA y RTA) adquiridos en pozos exploratorios, productores e inyectores, completados en yacimientos convencionales y no convencionales. Preside la empresa DA PRAT, fundada en 1999, dedicada a consultoría y capacitación en petróleo y gas , especializada en interpretación de pruebas de pozos, producción e ingeniería de yacimientos. Ha impartido adiestramiento y formación, a nivel nacional e internacional, a más de mil quinientos profesionales. Es autor y coautor de más de cien artículos técnicos, 25 de éstos publicados en la SPE, disponibles en OnePetro, y presentados en congresos; ATCE, LACPEC, SPE-ATW. Es autor del libro “Well Test Analysis for Fractured Reservoir Evaluation”, publicado en 1990.

  • DL Technical Talk September 2024

    Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM UTC
    "Integrated Geoscience and Engineering to Improve Hydraulic Fracturing and Field Development". Abstract: “Integrating multiple types of modern field technologies systematically has led to improvements in field testing, understanding, and acreage development in geologically complex formations. These efforts are proving to be invaluable when coupled across disciplines and combined with simulations for predictive evaluations. Several field case studies will be provided to illustrate the benefits of the multi-pronged diagnostics with modeling approach, which include pairing fiber optics, sealed wellbore pressure monitoring, formation imaging, calipers, and microseismic together. Multi-disciplinary datasets from before, during, and after stimulations will be combined into geomechanics models to inform stage and cluster level details derived from field diagnostics that include stimulation and production performance behaviors. An additional case study will connect post-stimulation diagnostics by including downhole erosion imaging, offset strain monitoring, and production warmback analysis to provide comprehensive insight for field development. These case studies illustrate how improved geomechanics modeling, application of field data, collection of the necessary diagnostics, and testing methods may be used across disciplines to effectively inform geoscience and reservoir characterization understanding, completion design, diagnostics, resource development, and well performance. Biography: Erich Kerr is SM Energy Company 's Engineering Supervisor for Reservoir Characterization, leading completions design, simulation, and exploration / resource evaluations. Erich is currently the lead engineer over the Department of Energy Austin Chalk / Eagle Ford Field Laboratory, which includes multiple stacked diagnostics and top researchers ( Texas A&M University , Stanford University , LBNL). Erich was a former SPE Student Chapter President and now serves as an SPE Committee member and Discussion Leader on Forums / Workshops focused on Hydraulic Fracturing and Field Development. Erich holds a BS from Colorado School of Mines in Petroleum Engineering and has authored over 19 technical publications.

    Contact Information

    Norwich, United Kingdom

  • Lunch and Learn - Geothermal Power

    Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM SG
    Will Pettitt, PhD (he/him) Dr. Will Pettitt is the Global Discipline Lead for Geothermal Energy at Baker Hughes . Will helps position this international energy technology company as a market leader in the Energy Transition , helping develop and execute the organization’s vision for taking geothermal energy forward . Dr. Pettitt is a thought leader on develop ing and deploy ing the use of Earth’s heat . Before joining Baker Hughes , W ill was Executive Director of Geothermal Rising, the largest nonprofit professional and trade association for geothermal energy worldwide , and previously led geomechanics and microseismics consulting , software, and research companies . He p ublishes and speaks on a wide range of topics and participates in government and organizational committees. Dr. Pettitt is an applied geophysicist with a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. Geothermal Energy: New Markets and Technologies Geothermal technologies offer a clean, always-on, renewable energy source that can replace traditional forms of baseload and dispatchable electricity generation and provide direct heat for commercial and residential uses. Conventional hydrothermal heat and power has been a successful, yet niche, technology restricted in geographical area. Unconventional technologies offer the opportunity to scale to geothermal anywhere with Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) expanding to widespread utility-size electricity generation and heat production , and Advanced Geothermal Systems (AGS) taking advantage of existing and under-utilized infrastructure. Lithium co-production from geothermal brines offers the exciting prospect of creating an entire clean-energy ecosystem around critical mineral recovery and battery production. In this presentation we will explore these new markets and technologies and look towards their future direction. Please register in advance by email to Slots are limited. You may also express your interest for a meeting with the speaker Monday 16 or Tuesday 17th of September 2024.

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • CO2 Storage Resource Management System – Application and Learnings from World’s First Booking

    Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM SGT
    Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is experiencing rapid growth and the ability to classify and compare projects across the globe is of increasing importance. The CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) has been designed to provide the common framework and is increasingly being applied across the industry. The SRMS has been seeded from the widely used Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS), which makes it ideal for industry professionals familiar with the concepts of classification and categorization. The SRMS was applied to an onshore project by an Australian oil and gas company in 2021 and led to the world’s first public reporting of CO2 storage quantities under the SRMS classification system. Standard reserves workflows and systems were modified for CO2 evaluation and reporting, resulting in a streamlined processes throughout the organization. Multiple benefits were realized such as standardized evaluation and reporting, a unified language across the company, and enhanced formality in CCUS reporting. As more CCUS projects are proposed, a robust classification system has become vital to communicate consistent terminology, valuation methodologies, and reporting systems for identifying project status and differential between projects. The application of the SRMS is highly recommended for stakeholders, financiers, or regulatory bodies involved in the commercial development of a CCUS project. Biography: Paul Lyford is the Reserves and Resources Manager at Santos Ltd, an Australian oil and gas company and the first to add CO2 Storage resources to the annual reserves report. Paul has over 30 years experience and has been involved in many field developments across Australia. He has a background in reservoir engineering, operations, planning, strategy and commercial. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia, a member of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and member of Society of Petroleum Evaluation engineers (SPEE). Paul holds an honors degree and PhD in Engineering from University of Melbourne and post graduate qualifications in Finance. Paul is currently a member of the SPE CO2 Storage Resources Committee (CSRC) and involved with the SPE SRMS subcommittee charged with updating the SRMS. Gathering around 6PM, delicious Italian food and networking Talk 6:45PM - 7:15PM Q&A and further networking till 8:30PM Cost (for registration in advance): Members $35 / Non-members $50 / Students-retired-unemployed $25 Please register through this website so we record your name and email address. We only receive payment by Paynow or bank transfer. IMPORTANT: You will need to make a payment in advance. Please pay by Paynow to WCW at 8337 4173. Remember to indicate your name in the reference. Official receipt will be sent to your email after the event. Payment at the door is $75 for everyone. See you soon! Please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp or email for any questions or clarification. Contact details below. SPE Distinguished Lecturer: Paul Lyford , Reserves and Resources Manager at Santos Ltd

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • WEBINAR: Impacto de la Petrofísica en la Caracterización de Yacimientos

    Thursday, September 26, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    . La Petrofísica, en los últimos años, ha estado logrando cada vez mayor relevancia, al mejorar la comprensión del valor que tiene como vínculo entre geología e ingeniería de yacimientos y entre el modelo estático y el modelo dinámico. Esta especialidad como disciplina integradora la ha llevado a tener una vital importancia en la caracterización de yacimientos convencionales y no convencionales, en la reactivación de campos maduros y en el entendimiento de procesos estudiados más recientemente, como la captura y secuestro de carbono y las energías alternativas. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Juan Carlos Porras, Ingeniero Geólogo graduado en la Universidad de Oklahoma en 1985, con una Maestría en Geología, mención Petrofísica, obtenida en la Escuela de Minas de Colorado, en 1992 y con una Especialización en Petrofísica, lograda en el Centro de Tecnología de Amoco en Tulsa, Oklahoma, entre los años 1994 y 1995. Inició su trayectoria profesional en PDVSA, S.A., en 1985. Desde 2003, es cofundador y Director de la empresa Inter Rock C.A., realizando consultorías especializadas en países de América, Asia y África. Ha publicado más de 30 trabajos, siendo conferencista invitado al Simposio Anual de la SPWLA en 2002. En el 2011 obtuvo el Premio al Mejor Trabajo en el Simposio de Evaluación de Formaciones del VIII Congreso de Exploración y Desarrollo de Hidrocarburos, en Mar Del Plata, Argentina. Ha sido profesor de pre-grado en las universidades de Los Andes, de Oriente y en la Metropolitana en Venezuela. A nivel de post-grado, ha dictado clases en el Instituto para la Excelencia en los Negocios del Gas, Energía e Hidrocarburos (INEGAS) en Bolivia y en la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco en Argentina. Es un excelente colaborar de la SPE Caracas Petroleum Section, como mentor de nuestros programas especiales y como ponente.

  • Making Unconventionals Competitive – Minimizing the Cost per Barrel Oil

    Monday, October 7, 2024, 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM CT
    We hope you can join us, and make the most of SPE Distinguished Lecturer Leen Weijers' visit to Grande Prairie! Lunch will be provided, please click the RSVP button or contact Kody below! SPE Distinguished Lecturers are industry experts and outstanding speakers, nominated by their peers, to share their knowledge and expertise on the latest industry trends and technologies with SPE members throughout the world. Abstract: “What is the one idea you would like the members to take away from this lecture?" Our industry's innovation to successfully frac and produce from shale, the source rock for hydrocarbons, has dramatically changed global energy access and geopolitical balances. The North American shale industry has relentlessly pushed for a lower cost to bring a barrel of oil ($/bbl) or a cubic foot of natural gas ($/scf) to the surface. This reduction has greatly benefitted world energy consumers. The dramatic reduction in this cost ratio is sourced in two metrics. First, cost of drilling and completion has been cut in about half for shale wells over the last decade through efficiency gains and innovations in workflow. Second, well production has roughly doubled through a focus to increase both the extent and intensity of the created hydraulic fracture system. This North American track record of innovation, operational learnings and engineering optimization contains lessons learned for other shale basins around the world. One idea members will take away from this presentation is that our industry is capable of wide-ranging and rapid innovation when free market forces are unleashed to produce the cheapest barrel possible. Biography: Dr. Leen Weijers is VP of Engineering at Liberty Oilfield Services and served as its Business Manager at Liberty’s founding. Leen worked at Pinnacle Technologies from 1995 to 2011, where he oversaw development of a commercial fracture growth simulator, FracproPT. Leen has authored dozens of publications, and contributed a chapter to the recent SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Monograph. Leen completed his doctoral research at the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

    Contact Information

    Grande Prairie, AB, Canada

  • WEBINAR: Cartografía de Fallas Cuaternarias a Fines de Estimación de la Amenaza Sísmica

    Thursday, October 17, 2024, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    . Como premisa, los sismos tectónicos son generados por fallas geológicas, por lo cual, su estudio y caracterización (cartografía neotectónica) nos permiten determinar a qué niveles de amenaza sísmica un sitio o región puede verse sujeto. En tal sentido, es fundamental precisar: la localización, extensión, tasa de movimiento, segmentación y cinemática de cada falla que potencialmente contribuya a dicha amenaza en un sitio específico; también, el sismo máximo probable y su recurrencia en el tiempo, considerados los parámetros sismogénicos de entrada en cualquier evaluación de amenaza sísmica. En esta ocasión, nos pasearemos por la experiencia venezolana, que es de referencia regional e internacional. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Franck Albert Audemard M., Ing. Geol., egresado de la UCV, 1984, con Maestría y Doctorado en Tectónica de la Université de Montpellier II de Francia, en 1989 y 1993. Profesor titular activo de pregrado y posgrado, Escuela de Geología, Minas y Geofísica de la UCV, creador de la cátedra “Ingeniería de Fallas Activas”. Asesor actual de FUNVISIS, donde laboró por 34, siendo jefe del Dpto. de Ciencias de la Tierra por 12 años. Ha dedicado 40 años al estudio de la tectónica activa de Venezuela y a la geodinámica del margen meridional Caribe, con particular énfasis en la cartografía y caracterización sismogénica, y en la evaluación paleosísmica, de las fallas generadoras de terremotos en tierra y costa afuera. Ha laborado en proyectos científicos junto con Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, México y Perú. A nivel nacional e internacional, ha publicado más de 200 artículos arbitrados, con un H Index de 40 (Google Scolar) e I10 de 104, dirigido estudios científicos, tesis de pregrado y de posgrado. Fue vice-presidente de la International Association of Geomorphology (IAG), 2005 al 2009, y de la International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 2011 al 2019. Desde el 2011 es Editor Regional por Venezuela del Journal of South American Earth Sciences, desde el 2020 es Miembro Correspondiente de la Asociación Geológica Argentina, AGA e Investigador Adjunto del CICESE (Ensenada, México), del 2023 al 2026.

  • Evento Técnico SPE Caracas Petroleum Section

    Tuesday, October 29 - Wednesday, October 30, 2024

  • A private party for professionals

    Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM EET
    ✨We are glad to invite you to a private party for professionals. Let's discuss Oil & Gas news over a glass of wine✨ Why you should come: 🧠🍷Brain + wine: Spark intelligent conversations in a pleasant company 🕺🏻 Networking: Make valuable connections – both business contacts and friends for life 👷🏻‍♀️ Our moderator, Natalya Rudevych is ready to guide insightful discussions. When: October 29, 17:30 Where: Kooperativ, 23A Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv Registration by the link: ☝🏻 SPE members only
    Kyiv, Ukraine

  • WORKSHOP: Día del Ingeniero 2024

    Thursday, October 31, 2024, 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    La SPE Caracas Petroleum Section ha celebrado el Día del Ingeniero, el jueves 31 de octubre de 2024, a las 2:00 p.m., hora de Caracas (GMT-4), en modalidad presencial: Salón Oasis del Hotel del CCT y en modo virtual. Iniciamos nuestro evento con la magistral charla de Luigi Saputelli y continuamos con la participación de destacados Ingenieros Venezolanos en el Mundo, quienes compartieron con nosotros las vivencias y aprendizajes de sus recorridos y la manera acertada de gerenciar los cambios del entorno, lo cual les ha permitido la continuidad de sus carreras profesionales exitosas, en la Industria del Petróleo y del Gas. Agradecemos a Luigi Saputelli por su extraordinaria y oportuna disertación y a cada uno de los 11 profesionales por sus excelentes ponencias y participaciones, dando a conocer elementos clave que les ha permitido superar situaciones inesperadas y continuar exitosamente. Agradezco a los integrantes de mi Equipo directo por su excelente disposición, sentido de compromiso y colaboración para prestar el apoyo necesario, desde la distancia y en sitio, y asi lograr los resultados que podemos apreciar en las imagenes aqui mostradas. Nohemi Vargas SPE Caracas Petroleum Program and Section Chair

  • SPE Brazil Flow Assurance Technology Congress 2024

    Wednesday, November 6 - Friday, November 8, 2024
    Flow assurance is a technical discipline focused on safety and efficient transportation of fluids to their destination. The flow assurance activities involve managing and mitigating many issues that might happen in the field. To promote the exchange of experience among professionals, the Flow Assurance Technical committee of SPE Brazil section organized the 1st Flow Assurance Technology Congress (FATC) in November 2022.The event was a huge success, with more than 230 professionals (20 countries) from industry and academia, over 100 abstracts received and 13 sponsoring companies supporting the event. The FATC second edition will cover traditional topics in flow assurance as well as its connection with digital transformation and energy transition. Flow assurance provides a set of technologies to support reducing carbon footprint in offshore operations by allowing for example long tiebacks to existing facilities. It also supports Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization (CCUS) operations by ensuring safety and efficient transport of CO2 streams from any industrial source. Effective flow assurance practices are essential for ensuring the reliability, safety, and efficiency of energy production and transportation systems, and this will drive innovations such as smart sensors, predictive analytics, and special materials to improve the efficiency and sustainability of energy transportation systems. We are excited to invite you to the 2nd edition of FATC, taking place in November 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The event will bring together professionals, students, experts, and innovators in the field, offering knowledge exchange and networking, to create the new flow assurance technology solutions of today and tomorrow.

  • Increase of Hydrocarbon Production in the Carpathian Region: History and Current State of Applying t

    Thursday, November 14, 2024, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM EET
    Dear colleagues! We are pleased to invite you to a series of online meetings organized together with the Romanian Section of SPE. Below you can learn more about the speakers and topics of the meetings. 🔹Oleksandr Petrovskyy Increase of Hydrocarbon Production in the Carpathian Region: History and Current State of Applying the New Paradigm of the Commercial Oil & Gas Reservoir Mapping. November 14, 2024 Abstract: 1. Tasks and the ways for increasing hydrocarbon production 2. Uncertainties of today's paradigm – success of commercial well drilling. 3. What is the hydrocarbon commercial pool and the innovative paradigm for its mapping? 4. Regional areas of the commercial pools concentration – mapping results. 5. Discovery of new conventional pools and fields – drilling outcome. 6. New geological directions for commercial pool mapping. 7. What to do to increase hydrocarbon production?

  • Compartir Navideño 2024

    Friday, December 6, 2024, 02:00 PM - 05:20 PM VET
    ¿A la expectativa de nuestro Compartir Navideño?... Puedes invitar a tus cercanos para el disfrute de lo previsto en el evento de cierre de año, destacando la magistral presentación de nuestro orador Dr. Marcelo Laprea, con el tema Impacto de Cambios Geopolíticos, Tecnológicos y Económicos en la Industria del Petróleo. Adelantamos los festejos de fin de año, brindando por la prosperidad y por el bienestar de todos para el 2025, en un ambiente musical acorde. Te esperamos!.

  • Insightful Geomechanical Measurements for Converting Existing Hydrocarbon Reservoirs to Carbon Stora

    Tuesday, December 10 - Thursday, December 12, 2024
    Insightful Geomechanical Measurements for Converting Existing Hydrocarbon Reservoirs to Carbon Storage Tuesday 10th December 2024 between 12:00 and 14:00 Location: Perenco, St Andrews Business Park, 3 Central Ave, Norwich NR7 0HR With SPE Distinguished Lecturer Adam Donald. Abstract As the industry transitions from traditional hydrocarbon exploration and development into new energy and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), formation integrity becomes more integral for asset longevity. For instance, many depleted fields are being assessed for CCS, but these depleted fields rarely have enough information within the overburden to assess geological seals or caprock integrity. Geomechanics modeling with calibration data is required for determining the maximum injection pressure for containment for the carbon sequestration. Often the critical data were not gathered during the initial appraisal phases of these existing fields to perform the assessment with certainty. Three existing technologies can provide the geomechanical information needed for integrity assessment, namely compressional and shear slowness in cased hole, stress barrier limits, and natural fracture distribution. First, full waveform sonic logs that provide compressional and shear slownesses (1/velocity) are generally acknowledged as the key data missing from the formation evaluation needed in for the geomechanics modeling. Cased boreholes within the overburden always were deemed unattractive environments for sonic measurements, and now these will be the main sources of information in aging assets. Second, when entering the reservoir, to determine the limit of the stress barrier (difference in stress between caprock and reservoir), stress magnitudes and orientation require an integration of sonic, borehole image, and minifrac testing. Maximizing the injection pressure without risking leakage is the goal for the asset performance. Third, assessment of natural fractures within the reservoir and evaluation of the caprock play an important role for maximum injectivity and for reducing leakage risks, respectively. Although borehole image log analysis has been around for decades, sonic imaging technology is now more commonly being used to assess the far field within tens of meters around the wellbore providing new insights. This work explains how existing technology from traditional oil and gas can be used for CCS reservoir and overburden assessment. Specifically, three topics are covered: (1) sonic data analysis within single-and double-string casings; (2) integration of sonic, image, and minifrac analysis for stress characterization; and (3) natural fracture evaluation using far field sonic imaging. Case studies from reservoirs worldwide (Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America) serve as examples of using these insightful measurements. Adam's Biography J. Adam Donald is the Technical Director for Geomechanics and Wellbore Acoustics with Reservoir Performance Division, SLB, based in Dubai, UAE. He joined SLB in 1998 as a wireline field engineer has held field, technical, and management positions in Canada, USA, Norway, Malaysia, France, Romania, and United Arab Emirates. His area of focus has been on applications of wellbore sonic and image data on geomechanics, geophysics, and petrophysics workflows. He received his bachelor’s degree in geological engineering from University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada (1998), and a master’s degree in mining engineering from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada (2004). Adam holds seven patents in areas of borehole acoustics and geomechanics and is a registered Professional Engineer in Canada. He is an active publishing member of SPWLA, SPE, ARMA, and SEG with over 50 industry and scientific articles. Event Registration Please RSVP to Phuc TRUONG, Deadline for registration is 3rd December 2024. Buffet lunch will be provided. Organized by Great Yarmouth Petroleum Section. Venue and lunch sponsored by Perenco UK.

    Contact Information

    Norwich, United Kingdom

  • End of Year Party

    Thursday, December 12, 2024, 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM SG
    Collaborating with AEIN (Association of International Energy Negotiators), we will hold an End of Year Party jointly organized by the AIEN and SPE Singapore on Thursday, 12 December, 6 pm – 9 pm, at Dallas Restaurant and Bar (Level 3), 31 Boat Quay. This event is complimentary for SPE Singapore Chapter members, though pre-registration and verification against the membership list are necessary. Take this opportunity to network with fellow energy professionals, share insights, and grow your connections while enjoying year-end refreshments and light bites. Event Title: AIEN & SPE Year-End Social Event • Includes an opening presentation (information below) and a networking reception • The networking reception will have food and drinks available Opening Presentation: "Asia Pacific's E&P Sector: the Year Past and the Year Ahead" by Andrew Harwood • What were the key events and deals across Asia Pacific’s upstream sector in 2024? • How are the macro industry trends influencing strategies in Asia Pacific? • What to look out for in 2025 - where’s hot, and where’s not? Name: Andrew Hardwood Organization: Wood Mackenzie Title: Vice President, Corporate Research Bio: Andrew is responsible for Wood Mackenzie’s corporate coverage in Asia Pacific, providing analysis of the leading Asia-headquartered national and international oil companies. In addition to developing research content, providing insight and analysis, he advises clients on strategy and supports business development with key regional and global accounts. During more than 15 years with Wood Mackenzie, Andrew has also provided consulting support for clients on fiscal benchmarking, growth opportunity screening, portfolio valuation, infrastructure studies and industry advocacy. Based in Singapore since 2010, Andrew specializes in global upstream themes, corporate strategy for national and international oil companies, merger and acquisition trends, exploration performance and fiscal benchmarking. Non members may join with a fee (50$, 25$ for students)
    Singapore, Singapore

  • Distinguished Lecturer selection 2025-2026

    Thursday, January 16 - Wednesday, January 29, 2025
    Dear SPE NYNE members, It is time to select our Distinguished Lecturers (DL) for the 2025-26 Season! Click here to find the list of 2025-26 Distinguished Lecturers. We invite you to participate in this important process by casting your vote for the lecturers from this form . The voting period will take place from now until January 29, 2025 . Your vote is crucial in shaping the future of SPE NYNE. Thank you for your active participation and support. For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact Section Officers. Sincerely yours, SPE NYNE Officers

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  • Integridad del Pozo, parte 2

    Thursday, January 16, 2025, 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM VET
    ¿Qué puedes esperar de nuestra presentación sobre Integridad de pozos, parte 2? Continuando con el tema sobre la Integridad de los pozos, en la parte 2, nuestro especialista nos muestra la importancia y los retos de la gestión de los abandonos de pozos en la Industria Petrolera., la normativa y estándares internacionales de NORSOK, API y OEUK que cubren los abandonos e igualmente, las definiciones de barreras, especificando el número, los elementos, el esquema por actividad, la prueba y el monitoreo de los elementos aplicables. Así mismo, nos presenta la planificación del abandono de pozos, nuevas propuestas y tecnologías a considerar. ¿Quién es nuestro ponente? Nicolás Galíndez, Ing. de Petróleo egresado de la Universidad de Oriente de Venezuela, UDO, en 1984, con M.Sc. en Ing. de Petróleo obtenido en la Colorado School of Mines, en 1994. Laboró en la Industria Petrolera, en Venezuela, durante 18 años, desempeñando diversas posiciones a nivel operacional y gerencial. Ha sido consultor en México, Vietnam, EE.UU. y Rusia hasta el 2005. En 2005 ingresa a Saudi ARAMCO y en el 2008 a Repsol (Madrid), laborando allí hasta el 2017. Desde el 2018 hasta el 2023 laboró para Frontera Energy Corp en Bogotá, Colombia. Actualmente se desempeña como consultor en el área de integridad y abandono de pozos. Durante sus 39 años de experiencia profesional ha desempañado funciones técnicas y gerenciales en las áreas de perforación, adiestramiento, QA e integridad de pozos. Ha colaborado con la transferencia del conocimiento, como miembro de la directiva de la Sociedad de Ingenieros de Petróleo de la Costa Oriental de Lago, Venezuela, y como Chairman de la SPE de España. Integra el Equipo de excelentes ponentes y colaboradores de la SPE Caracas Petroleum Section. Alli nos vemos.

  • January Lecturer Luncheon - Enhancing Predictive Understanding of Parent-Child Fracture Dynamics

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM ET
    Kevin Wutherich is the Chief Technology Officer at Drill2Frac, a leading provider of innovative solutions in the oil and gas industry. With over 25 years of experience, including roles at Schlumberger and Rice Energy, Kevin is a seasoned expert in fracturing, reservoir engineering, and frac modeling. During his 14-year tenure at Schlumberger, he was instrumental in many of the first shale fracs in Europe and played key roles in optimizing the development of the Marcellus Shale, winning dozens of technical achievement awards along the way. Since then, he has continued to develop cutting-edge technologies in the space of completions and data applications, including being lead author on five patents. Armed with a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo in Canada, Kevin is committed to driving technological advancements in the field of completions using common sense approaches to enhance production efficiency for clients worldwide. ABSTRACT: This talk presents a novel approach to understanding fracture interactions between infill wells and producing offsets during hydraulic fracturing, integrating wellbore pressure responses with geospatial data and completion results in a four-dimensional environment. Unlike traditional methods that focus narrowly on pressure changes, this approach incorporates crucial factors such as well locations, existing fractures, geological properties, and fracture sequencing. Through real-world case studies, advanced tools were used to analyze offset well pressure responses alongside data on rock strength, depletion, and wellbore heterogeneity. By combining these data, the method accurately identifies fracture interaction locations and mechanisms, enabling predictive modeling of fluid pathways. In the study of 100 stages, depleted fractures were found to strongly correlate with significant pressure increases in parent wells and direct fracture hits, with the method successfully predicting 90% of these interactions. This proactive, real-time integration of geological, geospatial, and completion data offers a groundbreaking framework for predicting and mitigating fracture interactions in a dynamic, four-dimensional context. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED
    Pittsburgh, PA, United States

  • Insightful Geomechanical Measurements For Converting Exiating Hydrocarbon Reservoir to Carbon Storag

    Thursday, January 23, 2025, 04:00 AM - 06:00 PM IDLW
    Luanda, Angola

  • SPE/AADE/MUG Cornhole Tournament

    Thursday, January 23, 2025, 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM ET
    January 23, 2024 Doors open 11:00am Tournament Starts 12:00 Helltown Brewery - Houston, PA

  • SPE NL Black Tie Dinner and Dance 2025

    Thursday, January 23 - Friday, January 24, 2025

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    The Hague, Netherlands

  • January 2025 Professional Networking Event

    Thursday, January 30, 2025, 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM CT
    🌟 SPE Networking Evening at Yard House 🌟 Sponsored by Scout Energy Partners 🍻 Join us for a relaxed and engaging networking event! Where : Yard House, 5100 Belt Line Rd, Dallas, TX 75254 When : Thursday, January 30th, 2025, 5:30- 7:30 pm. Highlights : Enjoy a casual atmosphere perfect for making new connections. Meet a diverse group of SPE members - from students to industry veterans. Complimentary refreshments courtesy of Scout Energy Partners. All SPE Members Welcome! A unique opportunity to network, share insights, and unwind. RSVP: Let us know you're coming! Got Questions? Reach out to or (972) 559-9952.

    Contact Information

    Dallas, TX, United States

  • Drilling Fluids Qualification and Field Implementation – Following API and Going Beyond

    Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM CET
    GSSPE Webinar: Drilling Fluids Qualification and Field Implementation – Following API and Going Beyond Lecturer: Oliver Czuprat (Senior Chemist Drilling Fluids and Cement at Harbour Energy) Formation damage by the drill-In fluid has been identified as a major risk for a high-temperature gas field in Norway. To ensure maximum hole clean-up and productivity, even after long term suspension, comprehensive lab testing of specific properties from drilling and completion fluids were carried out under downhole conditions, to ensure e.g. optimum bridging, minimizing formation damage, thermal stability and mobility. Long-term stability and mobility of the mud even after extended suspension time between drill-in and clean-up of the wells were evaluated using a novel static aging test under downhole temperature and high pressure. These experiments have shown that the downhole mud stability is commonly underestimated when the testing pressure is lower than in the field. The test scope also included a detailed rheology characterization as well as complementary formation damage and return permeability tests, allowing to systematically optimize additive concentrations of the awarded fluid system. This use of HPHT aging has been the key to proving the long-term stability and mobility of the combined Drill-In and Completion Fluid. This technique falls outside of current API RP testing practices, and is believed to be highly beneficial for qualification of fluids that will remain in the lower completion for long periods, especially in open hole completions under high temperature and pressure. In a second field case, a systematic selection of a dual-use fluid for horizontal wells in an oilfield offshore Norway is presented. The success of the approach was again proven by no negative impact on productivity of the well compared to previously drilled and completed wells in the field. Furthermore, running the completion in drill-in fluid also resulted in significant de-risking of drilling operations, cost savings and eliminated logistical challenges from previous wells. Event Details: 📅 Wednesday, 5th February 2025 🕑 15:00 - 16:00 CET About the Lecturer: Oliver Czuprat holds a diploma and Ph.D. from the Leibniz Universität Hannover. His research covered catalytic membrane reactors for the conversion of light hydrocarbons Since 2011, he holds the position as Senior Chemist Drilling Fluids & Cement at Harbour Energy´s Technology & Service Center located in Barnstorf, Germany. Oliver is responsible for the drilling fluids and cement testing laboratory providing chemical support, quality check and optimization studies for domestic and international drilling, well workover operations, and P&A campaigns within Harbour Energy. He is also the chairman of the workgroup “Drilling Fluids and Cement” within the German Scientific Society for Sustainable Energy, Mobility and Carbon Cycles e. V. (DGMK). He has published several SPE papers and held presentations at domestic and international conferences covering drilling fluids and cement topics.

  • SPE TechNight - Generative AI for Oil and Gas Companies

    Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM PL
    During this SPE Technight, we will have a short Annual General Meeting presentation to present new development in the SPE Stavanger Section and to show the current accounts for the organisation. Generative AI for Oil and Gas Companies By Martin Bennetzen | zitilite | CEO and founder Abstract: The adoption of generative AI offers oil and gas companies significant potential to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and boost innovation throughout their value chain. Stavanger-based zitilite has worked on AI implementation with several oil and gas companies across Norway, Denmark, and UAE, and will share practical examples of AI use cases from diverse business functions - from subsurface, technical and operational to financial, support, and administrative areas. The session will present different AI tools optimized for specific tasks, along with key considerations for their effective use. Martin Bennetzen, CEO of zitilite, will present a practical approach to AI, emphasizing that value comes from using the right AI tool for the right task in the right way. Real results come from practical use and implementation of AI, not visionary shiny PowerPoints! The session will include several hands-on live demos of using generative AI tools. . Biography: Martin Bennetzen is the CEO and founder of zitilite, an AI company. He holds an MSc and PhD from the University of Southern Denmark. His oil and gas industry experience includes roles as Senior Reservoir Engineer and EOR Team Lead at Maersk Oil in Qatar and Copenhagen, and R&D Manager at Resman Wireless Reservoir Surveillance. He then moved into management consulting, including working as Senior Manager and Director in Deloitte and Accenture. In 2023, he founded zitilite in Stavanger that helps companies leverage generative AI in their day-to-day work and business operations. Martin has a passion for football and coaches two local teams at FK Vidar. He holds a UEFA C coach license and two certifications from FC Barcelona in football tactical analytics using big data analytics.

    Contact Information

    Stavanger, Norway

  • February Monthly Meeting - SPE DL - Christiaan Luca - Community Wisdom Partners

    Thursday, February 6, 2025, 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CT
    Please note this is on A THURSDAY SPE Distinguished Lecturer Series Speaker: Christiaan W. F. Luca Speaker Company: Community Wisdom Partners ABSTRACT: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) continues to gain attention. Increasingly, ESG compliance is a condition for funding by shareholders and banks. Most recently, the European Union has started to turn ESG industry standards into regulation. Unfortunately, ESG has become clouded in an overload of jargon, requirements and metrics; in addition, it is now also becoming politicized. This lecture shows that ESG has been developing since the start of the industrial revolution and is here to stay. It will identify key long term ESG trends and will use them to foresee what the future may bring. The capital markets have converged on a handful of industry standards that are almost universally accepted and applied by all major financial organisations. These standards are risk- and value-based, and project-focused. As such they are a blessing in disguise: although elaborate and demanding, they provide a level playing field, and can be easily integrated in existing business processes. ESG scrutiny is moving from auditing of policies and manuals to carrying out due diligence on actual implementation in the field. In other words, petroleum engineers, project and operations managers have become part of ESG compliance. This lecture will use case studies to highlight the essentials that they need to know. BIOGRAPHY: Christiaan Luca holds a MSc in petroleum engineering from Delft University, the Netherlands. The first part of his 32-year career with Shell he spent in various petroleum engineering roles, including drilling, reservoir engineering, project planning and economics, while developing oil and gas fields in Thailand, Syria, Gabon and Nigeria. Upon returning to Shell's corporate offices in the Netherlands he held various management roles in technology and business strategy and planning. He was closely involved with externally-challenged programs in CCS and Rigs-to-Reefs. Until end 2016, Christiaan was the head of Shell's global practice in non-technical risk management. He now is an independent trainer, assessor and coach in this expertise area.

    Contact Information

    Farmers Branch, TX, United States

  • What does the energy transition actually mean for the Oil & Gas industry?

    Thursday, February 6, 2025, 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM ET
    When: Thursday, 6 February 2025 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM Where : Club York Sydney, 95-99 York Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000 Final Registrations close Wednesday, 29 January 2025 About the Presentation What does energy transition mean? What are we transitioning to? How and when will we get there? In hindsight, the energy transition movement means different things to different entities. To operators, the primary focus is to transform their business (influenced by regulations and legislative policies) by reducing their carbon emissions while also investing in cleaner low-carbon energy sources, such as geothermal and hydrogen. For service companies, it is another potential revenue stream by offering products and services oil and gas operators, as well as renewable power generation companies. For governments, it is defined as an essential need for energy diversification in order to achieve sustainable, self-sufficient solutions that are less impacted by socio-economic or geo-political factors, i.e., energy security. It is important to note that the ‘public’ understand that what is driving this paradigm shift: technology, policy, and cultural change. The energy transition concept will be broken down as a current ‘buzzword’ and popular concept that is fettered by technology hype, political agendas, and/or financial influences that are attached to the term. Finally, light will be shined on how the industry's previous institutional mindset has changed to a broad, open-minded desire to create a net-positive outcome using Environmental, Social, and Governance techniques. Register now! * Guests (e.g., PESA) - Please use the member registration. What Does The Energy Transition Actually Mean for the Oil & Gas Industry? Lecturer: Bez Hoxha
    Sydney, NSW, Australia

  • DL Luncheon: Low Cost, High Profit Rejuvenation of Mature Fields

    Friday, February 7, 2025, 11:45 AM - 01:00 PM CT
    Students - at Checkout, choose Register Now and Pay Later. North Texas Section will cover you cost of the meal. Low Cost, High Profit Rejuvenation of Mature Fields Mike Gunningham, Mike Gunningham Consultancy Abstract: This talk looks at practical strategies, processes and applications for mature fields, focusing on reducing operational costs and maximizing value creation from existing wells and facilities. You will take away tools and processes that you can apply quickly, efficiently and low cost, to maintain and maximize production and injection. In mature field operations, the primary focus is on safety and keeping costs down. We will show that Production Optimization can rejuvenate a mature field and can extend its profitable life. This is done by building integrated teams, using data analytics, carrying out Produce the Limit workshops and identifying opportunities to debottleneck, rejuvenate and optimize wells and facilities. It is important to look just as closely at water injection, as well as oil and gas production, to optimize reservoir management and maximise recovery. We will demonstrate that by identifying and capturing these opportunities, ranking and prioritizing them, the team can then focus on efficient and effective delivery. This maintains, restores or increases production and injection, which extends profitable field life, maximizes recovery and reduces unit costs. A number of case studies will demonstrate that with whatever data you have, you can always find opportunities to increase production. This is done by safely manipulating the operating envelopes of existing wells and facilities, carrying out systematic well and reservoir surveillance, optimizing chemical treatments, daily artificial lift optimisation, maximizing facility capacities, implementing low cost interventions, locating remaining oil and gas, restoring shut-in wells, as well as designing/executing workovers and sidetracks, when the prize is significant. Biography: Mike is currently the Principal Petroleum Engineering Consultant for the Mike Gunningham Consultancy, with over 35 years’ experience around the word in oil and gas fields, in Production Technology, Production Optimisation, Well and Facility Integrity, Well, Reservoir and Facility Management (WRFM), Waterflooding and Enhanced Oil Recovery. He was a Principal Consultant in the SGS Subsurface Consultancy for 5 years, responsible for all Brownfield applications and Technical Due Diligence. Before that, Mike was the Head of Subsurface Support Team in Maersk Oil in Qatar (MOQ), as well as the Well, Reservoir & Facility Management Team Lead in MOQ, rolling out and embedding WRFM in the Al Shaheen oilfield. Mike has worked for Shell for 26 years, based mainly in Holland, while working all over the world on numerous projects (Bonga, Nigeria NLG, Brunei, Malaysia, Oman, GOM, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, and half of the North Sea). Mike graduated from Bradford University with a Chemical Engineering degree before completing his MSc in Petroleum Engineering at Imperial College. He has been a member of the SPE since 1984 and is currently representing the SPE on the IPTC Board of Directors. He has received the 2022 SPE Europe Regional Service Award and 2010 SPE North Sea Region Award for Production & Operations.

    Contact Information

    Wichita Falls, TX, United States

  • SPE Technical Meeting - February

    Thursday, February 20, 2025, 05:00 PM - 08:30 PM TH

  • February Technical Talk - Petroleum Fiscal System

    Thursday, February 20, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

  • Distinguished Lecture: No Longer A Sunk Cost: Innovation & Collaboration For Decommissioning Subsea

    Thursday, February 27, 2025, 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM SG
    No Longer A Sunk Cost: Innovation & Collaboration For Decommissioning Subsea Infrastructure Andrew Robson Watt Woodside Energy Abstract: Decommissioning involves the timely, safe, and environmentally responsible removal, or satisfactorily dealing with, infrastructure from offshore oil and gas operations. With a significant number of aging subsea assets, it’s estimated the cost of decommissioning in Australia alone will exceed US$45 billion over the next 50 years. Not unlike a Rubik's cube, decommissioning can seem like an unsolvable puzzle. Many sides must work together to solve a complex problem with a multitude of variables including environmental impact, safety, timing, and cost. Many decommissioned materials cannot be re-used and are not easily recycled. Collaboration and innovation are vital to help us find the right combination of solutions to achieve the best outcomes. Universities play a crucial role in this process by providing access to cutting-edge research, knowledge, and resources. These collaborations can create an environment that fosters innovation, where academia and industry professionals can work together to share knowledge and expertise and explore new technologies and methodologies. This lecture highlights the subsea oil and gas infrastructure decommissioning challenges we face as an industry, showcases some innovative solutions, and explains how in today's rapidly changing world, innovation and collaboration are essential for achieving success. The key takeaway is that we must solve this puzzle together. By working collaboratively, we can create a more sustainable future, reduce costs, and achieve more efficient decommissioning. Like solving a Rubik's cube, cooperation, collaboration, and innovation require patience and persistence, but the rewards can be great, and our subsea infrastructure will no longer be a sunk cost. Biography: Andy Watt is an energy industry professional with over 26 years of experience in various technical roles across Australasia, North Africa, the Middle East, and Indonesia. He has expertise in land seismic operations, geophysics, reservoir engineering, forecasting, production optimization, technology, and innovation. Currently, Andy serves as the Innovation Advisor at Woodside Energy, Australia's largest oil and gas company. In this role, he collaborates with Australian universities and industries to develop and implement innovative technical solutions. Andy holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Applied Physics and Microelectronics and is an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Gathering around 6PM, delicious Italian food and networking Talk 6:45PM - 7:15PM Q&A and further networking till 8:30PM Cost (for registration in advance): Members $35 / Non-members $50 / Students-retired-unemployed $25 Please register through this website so we record your name and email address. We only receive payment by Paynow or bank transfer. IMPORTANT: You will need to make a payment in advance. Please pay by Paynow to WCW at 8337 4173. Remember to indicate your name in the reference. Official receipt will be sent to your email after the event. Payment at the door is $75 for everyone. See you soon! Please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp or email for any questions or clarification.

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    Singapore, Singapore

  • Insightful Geomechanical Measurements for Converting Existing Hydrocarbon Reservoirs to Carbon Stora

    Thursday, March 13, 2025, 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM MT
    Adam Donald SLB Insightful Geomechanical Measurements for Converting Existing Hydrocarbon Reservoirs to Carbon Storage

    Contact Information

    BILLINGS, MT, United States

  • March Distinguished Lecturer Luncheon

    Thursday, March 13, 2025, 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM ET
    Jonathan Lightfoot, Recommended Practice for Safe Well Positioning, Separation, and Surveying

    Contact Information

    Carnegie, PA, United States

  • March Monthly Meeting - SPE DL - Ben Hoxha - CyberworX Energy

    Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CT
    2024 - 2025 SPE Distinguished Lecturer Series: Lecture Title: What does the Energy Transition Actually Mean for the Oil and Gas Industry? Lecturer Name: Besmir Hoxha Lecturer's Employer: Darcy Partners ABSTRACT: Include “What is the one idea you would like the members to take away from this lecture? “ What does energy transition mean? What are we transitioning to? How and when will we get there? In hindsight, the energy transition movement means different things to different entities. To operators, the primary focus is to transform their business (influenced by regulations and legislative policies) by reducing their carbon emissions while also investing in cleaner lowcarbon energy sources, such as geothermal and hydrogen. For service companies, it is another potential revenue stream by offering products and services oil and gas operators, as well as renewable power generation companies. For governments, it is defined as an essential need for energy diversification in order to achieve sustainable, self-sufficient solutions that are less impacted by socio-economic or geo-political factors, i.e., energy security. It is important to note that the ‘public’ understand that what is driving this paradigm shift: technology, policy, and cultural change. The energy transition concept will be broken down as a current ‘buzzword’ and popular concept that is fettered by technology hype, political agendas, and/or financial influences that are attached to the term. Finally, light will be shined on how the industry's previous institutional mindset has changed to a broad, open-minded desire to create a net-postive outcome using Environmental, Social, and Governance techniques. SPEAKER BIO: Bez is an associate consultant at Darcy Partners, focused on market intelligence and management consulting for oil and gas operators. Bez has over 40 publications, 4 patents, 1 book, and 14 years of experience in the energy sector – hydrocarbons to renewables. Previously, Bez worked as an Energy Technologist at Baker Hughes, engaged on technocommercial applications in energy transition projects. Additionally, he also has experience as Sr. Research Scientist in academia. Bez is active in SPE as a committee member for ATCE and ADIPEC. Bez has a master’s degree in petroleum engineering and a PhD in Management in Energy Transition.

    Contact Information

    Farmers Branch, TX, United States

  • March 2025 Meeting - DL Dr. Leen Weijers - Making Unconventionals Competitive

    Thursday, March 20, 2025, 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Wondering how to make your unconventional well competitive? Come join us at our March meeting when DL Dr. Leen Weijers will present " Making Unconventionals Competitive – Minimizing the Cost per Barrel Oil ".In this presentation Dr. Weijers will show how cost of drilling and completion has been cut in about half for shale wells over the last decade through efficiency gains and innovations in workflow. He will also look at how well production has roughly doubled through a focus to increase both the extent and intensity of the created hydraulic fracture system. The key take-away from this presentation is that our industry is capable of wide-ranging and rapid innovation when free market forces are unleashed to produce the cheapest barrel possible. BIO Dr. Leen Weijers is VP of Engineering at Liberty Oilfield Services and served as its Business Manager at Liberty’s founding. Leen worked at Pinnacle Technologies from 1995 to 2011, where he oversaw development of a commercial fracture growth simulator, FracproPT. Leen has authored dozens of publications and contributed a chapter to the recent SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Monograph. Leen completed his doctoral research at the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

    Contact Information

    Fort Worth, TX, United States

  • March Technical Talk - FAST tool/ Automating Reservoir Engineering Tasks: PTA, RTA and Beyond

    Thursday, March 20, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

  • April Meeting - Dr. Hill (TAMU) Acidizing Fractures vs. Matrix Acidizing

    Thursday, April 17, 2025, 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CT
    Save the Date! In April, we will hear from Dr. Hill (TAMU) on "Acidizing Fractures vs. Matrix Acidizing". Stay tuned for details!

    Contact Information

    Fort Worth, TX, United States

  • Distinguished Lecture: Economic Surprises of Late-Life Production

    Thursday, April 17, 2025, 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM SG
    Economic Surprises of Late-Life Production Dwayne Purvis, P.E. Purvis Energy Advisors Abstract: For years, decommissioning costs were an after-thought to decision-making. They did not affect cash flows or business plans, and sometimes reserve reports did not even include them. Now, many legacy fields both within the U.S. and globally are declining to their final life stage. Even with many producing years remaining and a positive net present value, the total future cash flow can be – surprisingly – negative. Operators may not be ready for the unexpected reality since our industry has spent too little forethought on quantifying the scope of decommissioning, estimating its costs, ensuring security for the long term, and especially preparing funds for the surprisingly early onset of those costs. Though the price boom of recent decades delayed and distracted from the inevitable, natural depletion and the outlook for declining oil demand bring the issue to front. Now the industry finds itself with insufficient nomenclature, knowledge, or practices to handle decommissioning well. This presentation explains the unexpected late-life economic dynamics, the dangers they create, and how to foresee and avoid financial and environmental traps. Biography: Dwayne Purvis, P.E. has spent nearly 30 years in reservoir engineering and executive leadership as a consultant and operator. He has led or participated in hundreds of engineering and strategic studies over dozens of basins in the United States and abroad. Mr. Purvis leads Purvis Energy Advisors, and he frequently teaches, speaks, and writes for industry organizations and for Texas Christian University. Dwayne is a registered professional engineer in the state of Texas, member of SPEE, AAPG, SEG, SIPES and an active, 25-year member of SPE. He has also recently completed a Master of Arts in sustainable energy at Johns Hopkins University. Gathering around 6PM, delicious Italian food and networking Talk 6:45PM - 7:15PM Q&A and further networking till 8:30PM Cost (for registration in advance): Members $35 / Non-members $50 / Students-retired-unemployed $25 Please register through this website so we record your name and email address. We only receive payment by Paynow or bank transfer. IMPORTANT: You will need to make a payment in advance. Please pay by Paynow to WCW at 8337 4173. Remember to indicate your name in the reference. Official receipt will be sent to your email after the event. Payment at the door is $75 for everyone. See you soon! Please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp or email for any questions or clarification.

    Contact Information

    Singapore, Singapore

  • April Technical Talk - Hydrogen technology

    Thursday, April 24, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

  • 2025 SPE Western Regional Meeting

    Sunday, April 27 - Thursday, May 1, 2025
    Technology for Transition into the New Energy Frontier
    Garden Grove, CA, United States

  • May Distinguished Lecturer - Well Dynamic Simulation – Challenging the “Just Do This” Approach

    Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

  • Angola International Summit & Exhibition

    Friday, May 30, 2025, 09:00 AM - 10:00 PM WAT
    Luanda, Angola

  • June Technical Talk - ESP Application in High Temperature and High Rate Conditions

    Thursday, June 19, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

  • July Technical Talk

    Thursday, July 24, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

  • IV WSOP-Workshop de Segurança Operacional de Poços

    Tuesday, August 12 - Wednesday, August 13, 2025
    O propósito desse evento é lançar luz sobre os desafios associados a nossos paradigmas, com maior ênfase nas áreas de Fatores Humanos, Riscos e Barreiras de Segurança, Reguladores e Operadoras, Sustentabilidade e Inovação. #wsop

    Contact Information

    Macae, Brazil

  • SPE/PAPG Annual Golf Outing

    Thursday, August 14, 2025, 07:00 AM - 03:00 PM ET

    Contact Information

    Ellwood CIty, PA, United States

  • Golf Fundraiser - Bob McDaniel Memorial Scholarship

    Friday, September 26, 2025, 11:00 AM - 05:00 PM CT
    The 2025 Golf Fundraiser will be held on September 27, 2025 at River Creek Golf Course. Save the date and online registration will be available closer to the event.

    Contact Information

    Wichita Falls, TX, United States

  • SPE Vietnam Technical Workshop

    Thursday, October 2, 2025, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Vung Tau city, Viet Nam

  • ERM

    Tuesday, October 28 - Thursday, October 30, 2025
    Wheeling, WV, United States

  • November Distinguished Lecturer - TBA

    Tuesday, November 18, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

  • December Technical Talk - Using Analytical and Numerical Method to Enhancing Well Completion Product

    Thursday, December 18, 2025, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM ICT

    Contact Information

    Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam