2022 Section Award Judge

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Signup Deadline: 05-26-2022
Starts: 06-06-2022
Ends: 07-13-2022
Location: Online Opportunity


If you have not already done so, please 'Sign In' with your SPE.org credentials in the upper right corner;  after you have signed in you will then be returned to this page with the 'Apply Today!' button visible. 

Section Awards recognize sections that display exemplary efforts in technical knowledge dissemination, operations, member benefits, society and community outreach, innovation, and more. The President's Award for Section Excellence is the highest honor for a section. The awards are presented during the President's Luncheon at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition.

Help us choose this year's winners! During the process of reading the section annual reports you can also get great ideas about how sections are operating around the world.

Judging will be completed in three rounds starting early June and ending mid-July. You will be asked to read and score a number of reports, keeping in mind we have over 200 sections. The total time commitment is estimated to be 14 hours.


Paid Member

Volunteers Needed:

63 (0 open slots)


Lacey Zuhoski
Society of Petroleum Engineers