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The Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition is coming to Calgary, Canada from 30 September to 2 October at the BMO Centre. ATCE is expected to welcome over 8,500 attendees to Calgary, and we’re looking for passionate volunteers to help us for a minimum of 2 hours from Sunday to Wednesday.
The types of assistance vary depending on what you want to do; there are technical opportunities, public-facing opportunities, and behind the scenes opportunities!
We are seeking around 75 volunteers over three days to help with the public facing and behind the scenes help!
Timeline of Application:
Applications will be vetted and approved in Late August to Early September. If you have any questions in the meantime please contact volunteers@spe.org and you will be put in touch with the appropriate staff person.
Greeting Team
Volunteers will be the “face” of SPE to our members and provide directions to ATCE activities around the BMO Centre and Stampede Grounds. If you have ever been to the BMO Centre you know that it can be confusing for the first time! There will be lots of signage on site, but a human interaction is often the most effective way to help attendees.
There are two shifts for greeters, one from 08:00 to 10:00, and then 10:30 to 12:30, and on Wednesday from the minimum shift is 2 hours, but there is no maximum!
Conference Bag Assembly
This is the behind the scenes opportunity, come and meet new people and put together the conference bags that we give out to attendees!
This shift is from 10:00 am Sunday until the job is done, we are usually done before 1230 but if it goes later we will provide you with a boxed lunch.
SPE Pavilion Volunteer
If you are outgoing and like to meet new people this is the one for you! We are looking for members to talk to members and non-members alike about our programs and benefits. While SPE does have some Petroleum Engineers on staff, we are really looking for people who have truly benefited from membership and can speak to the benefits and experiences they have had while being a member.
You will be working alongside members of our Customer Service, Marketing, and Book Store staff for this opportunity. We ask that you be available for 4 hours.
Energy4Me & STEM Volunteers
This opportunity is a special one! Do you like experiments? Would you like to pass on your passion for the energy industry? This is an all morning program that runs on Wednesday 2 October from 0730 to 1400
You will work with our Energy Education Manager and facilitate hands-on learning experiments and tours of the exhibition floor for area teachers or high school students, so they can learn about the Energy Industry. If you’re not familiar with Enery4Me, check out the website!
Volunteer Other
Sometimes things happen and we need people on be on hand to help out SPE Staff with last minute tasks. If you’re able to help us out for half a day and hang out with us in SPE HQ, let us know! You may be assigned to other volunteer opportunities as required.
We also have a few other pending opportunities that we’re working on and will update everyone on as soon as we can!
The are more Member Programs opportunities that have their own dedicated signup spaces as they have specific requirements:
- Career Pathways (Students ask questions of working professionals)
- International Student Paper Contest
- Petrobowl
We look forward to working with you! If you have any questions please email Regional Programs at volunteer@spe.org and we’ll get you in touch with the right people!
Please note that SPE does not provide any reimbursement for travel-related costs for any of the above opportunities; and while we would like to provide complimentary registration for the conference, we are unable to do so.