Modeling Economic Variables in Oilwell Drilling

When:  Sep 19, 2023 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM (PT)
Associated with  Vancouver Section

The SPE Vancouver Section and the UBC Student Chapter  are hosting jointly an in-person speaker event. Find more information below:

Title: Modelling Economical Variables in Oilwell Drilling

Speaker: Dalmo S. Amorim Jr.

Date: September 19th, 6:30-8pm

Location: UBC Vancouver,  room CHBE 102

Abstract: Oilwell drilling consists in building a trajectory to reach a target, usually the reservoir from where hydrocarbons will be produced. A significant aspect is not explored due to the lack of a fully accepted methodology of processing information about costs: the Drilling Economics. Drilling averages are widely accepted by the industry, poor results are usually neglected and personal experience is the main mechanism to plan further upcoming wells. The methodology presented uses all available data from an oilfield, statistically previewing the costs of drilling a new well or a section in that area. By filtering KPI’s, like bit type, Lessons Learned are produced to support wiser decisions based on the economic aspects involved.

Speaker Bio: Dalmo S. Amorim Jr. is a seasoned expert in the field of Petroleum Engineering with a wealth of experience and knowledge. Currently pursuing a PhD in Energy at IEE-USP, Brazil, he has already earned significant educational accolades including a Master's degree in Mineral Sciences from EP-USP. Dalmo's professional journey spans over four decades, with roles at National Oilwell Varco and affiliates, where he excelled as a Petroleum Engineer, becoming a Global Training Instructor and contributing to drilling engineering in various international capacities. His expertise lies in drilling economics and training development. Dalmo is also a published author, with contributions in leading journals and conferences. With an extensive background, Dalmo brings a deep understanding of drilling operations and a commitment to sharing his insights.


University of British Columbia, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Room CHBE 102
Vancouver, BC


Pablo Lacerda Silva