New Energy, New Challenges. Are Geomechanics Solutions Advanced Enough to Support the Transition Jou

When:  Mar 6, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM (CET)
Associated with  Stavanger Section

New Energy, New Challenges. Are Geomechanics Solutions Advanced Enough to Support the Transition Journey?

By Distinguished Lecturer Claudia Sorgi (SLB)

This presentation will clearly explain geomechanical theory and solutions for petroleum, environmental and energy transition applications. It will be highligthed the crucial role of geomechanical modelling to embrace the energy transition challenges of our century.
There is a global consensus and conscience of the importance of a sustainable energy production. This involves new business models and, expectedly, different mindsets and innovative solutions. In this new journey towards a sustainable energy production subsurface characterisation and modelling will be essential and geomechanical modelling will continue playing a pivotal role.
Geomechanics is historically much more advanced than what we currently do in the petroleum industry. Although in recent years advanced geomechanical analyses are more recurrent, there is still a large gap between the theory and the practice. Geomechanics applications go well beyond the traditional and often simplistic approaches associated, nearly systematically, to wellbore stability analyses in petroleum applications. Some examples are already available for underground natural gas storage (UGS), H2 storage, CO2 storage, geothermal, wind, nuclear wastes disposals, to mention some.
Although we are in the unique position of benefiting of the O&G experience in subsurface measurements, characterization and modelling, some relevant aspects associated to liquid-gas-rock interactions are not yet fully implemented in our solutions. Do we need to re-think our geomechanics approaches to support the energy transition journey? Do we have the right understanding and tools? If not, what we would need?
Claudia Sorgi, Principal Geomechanics, EUR Geomechanics Technical Team Lead at SLB. Claudia has twenty-six years’ experience in applied geomechanics with roles in academic research and technical consulting, including twelve years’ experience in O&G industry related projects. She obtained a PhD in engineering geology (1999) and was lecturer (1998-2000) at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (France). She worked as mining consulting engineer at Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel e des Risques - France (2000-2007) before joining the RATP as vice-Director of the Civil Engineering Asset Control Department (2007-2010). She joined SLB in 2010.


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