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ESG for Petroleum Engineers - Without the Hot Air
(What the International Capital Markets Expect from the Oil & Gas Industry)
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) continues to gain attention. Increasingly, ESG
compliance is a condition for funding by shareholders and banks. Most recently, the European
Union has started to turn ESG industry standards into regulation. Unfortunately, ESG has
become clouded in an overload of jargon, requirements and metrics; in addition, it is now also
becoming politicized.
This lecture shows that ESG has been developing since the start of the industrial revolution
and is here to stay. It will identify key long term ESG trends and will use them to foresee what
the future may bring.
The capital markets have converged on a handful of industry standards that are almost
universally accepted and applied by all major financial organizations. These standards are risk and value-based, and project-focused. As such they are a blessing in disguise: although
elaborate and demanding, they provide a level playing field, and can be easily integrated in
existing business processes.
ESG scrutiny is moving from auditing of policies and manuals to carrying out due diligence on
actual implementation in the field. In other words, petroleum engineers, project and operations managers have become part of ESG compliance. This lecture will use case studies to highlight the essentials that they need to know.
Christiaan Luca holds a MSc in petroleum engineering from Delft University, the Netherlands.
The first part of his 32-year career with Shell he spent in various petroleum engineering roles,
including drilling, reservoir engineering, project planning and economics, while developing oil
and gas fields in Thailand, Syria, Gabon and Nigeria.
Upon returning to Shell's corporate offices in the Netherlands he held various management
roles in technology and business strategy and planning. He was closely involved with
externally-challenged programs in CCS and Rigs-to-Reefs. Until end 2016, Christiaan was the
head of Shell's global practice in non-technical risk management. He now is an independent
trainer, assessor and coach in this expertise area.