Student Community

Participation in your local student chapter provides an opportunity to network with peers and local industry professionals, leading to potential career-advancing connections and skills.

Young Professionals

Keep engaged with Young Professionals all over the world with resources and discussion groups to help you gain the most of the collective experience of our members.

Senior Professionals

Your virtual destination to communicate with Senior Professionals worldwide.

Members in Transition

This community is for our members to share resources, advice, tips, and strategies for staying positive while looking for new career opportunities.

Business & Leadership Forum

This community is to share resources related to career growth and leadership skills in professional environments.

Diversity and Inclusion

Embracing diversity and inclusion is essential to driving innovation, new ideas, and competitive advantages needed for the success of Oil and Gas organizations and the future of our industry.

University and Faculty Network

SPE supports faculty and universities from around the world through SPE-sponsored grants, awards, and participation in our programs and activities.

Volunteer Community

From the SPE president, to committee members and lecturers, volunteers provide the leadership of SPE for the benefit of other members and the industry.

General Discussions

This community is for discussing topics of interest to SPE members that are not covered by other communities on SPE Connect.

Energy Education Community

Energy education is an important strategic goal for SPE. Under the energy4me® program, members can become Energy4me Ambassadors and bring the program to their communities to help educate students and teachers. This community is to share ideas, successes and be more active in the program.

#WeAreSPE hashtag unites members by giving them a sense of belonging to the global SPE community. This hashtag shares members’ contributions to the society and the E&P industry as a whole. Below are some of the latest posts from the SPE community. Share your SPE stories with the #WeAreSPE hashtag and stay connected via the 
SPE International AppSPE ConnecteMentoring, and events. Communities

Members in Transition
Through every industry cycle, SPE is steady and supportive.
This toolkit provides information, resources, and programs to assist you during the current downturn.
Through local student chapters and international programs, SPE serves more than 58,000 student members globally,
offering many resources and opportunities for students to expand their knowledge and enhance their skills.
Senior Professionals
For our society to be successful, SPE needs the wisdom of our most experienced members. Senior Professionals (members age 55 and older) have a wealth of wisdom gained through experience.
Young Professionals 
Are you a member age 35 or younger? Then you've found your community here at SPE.
SPE’s YP programs help you connect more closely with peers and mentors, acquire professional and soft skills, and gain insights to advance your career.

You must be apart of the Community the discussion was originally posted in to reply. 


SPE Logo
SPE's Petroleum Engineering Certification program provides you with the opportunity to obtain a globally recognized credential as a petroleum industry professional.
SPE Industry Job Board
Helping SPE members discover new opportunities.
From instructor-led courses and seminars to online learning, our training programs
help professionals improve their expertise and stay up-to-date on best practices in a dynamic industry.
The program gives SPE members a way to contribute to the E&P industry by sharing industry insights and practical career advice with young professionals, or by helping university students with academic and career direction. Young professionals also have the unique opportunity to serve as mentors to students. It’s easy to communicate via email, Skype, LinkedIn or other social media.


Comprehensive, SPE-managed online knowledge bases covering all aspects of E&P