Simple Registration

How to register for SPE-NCS Events:

  1. Click the "Register" link for the event.
  2. In the blue registration box either:
    1. Sign in using your SPE member login
    2. Non-member of SPE must create an identity at if they don't already have one. There is no cost for creating an identity. You may enter your name and email in the blue registration box or click here to register.
  3. Register yourself and/or others by typing your/their name. If you are registering others, the person you are registering must also have an identity on (see step 2.2). Each registration will be added to your cart.
  4. To proceed to payment, click the 'View/Checkout' button in the cart below the blue registration box. You can then pay with a credit card or bring cash/check to the event. 

Pricing per Registrant

  • $30 cash/check for members with RSVP
  • $35 for guests, walk-ins, and any online registrations on the day of the event
  • Note: Listed online registration fees are slightly higher than listed prices due to PayPal credit card charges incurred by SPE-NCS (3.49% + $0.49/transaction). Paying via PayPal or debit/credit card is available for convenience. Please feel free to pay by cash/check if you would like to avoid these fees.
How to pay for SPE-NCS events using PayPal or debit/credit card:
  1. From the cart, click the 'Checkout with PayPal' button.
  2. The website will redirect you to a PayPal login page where you can choose to sign-in using PayPal or pay with a debit/credit card.
  3. You will receive registration and payment confirmation via email.
How to pay for SPE-NCS events using cash/check:
  1. From the cart, click the 'Register Now and Pay Later' button.
  2. You will receive a registration email and can request a handwritten receipt at the event.
  3. Bring cash/check to the event for the amounts referenced in 'Pricing per Registrant' above. Please make checks payable to 'SPE National Capital Section'.

When:  Sep 11, 2024 from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM (ET)
Where:   Intek Inc., 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 200, Arlington, VA, 22201, US


Register as guest

When & Where

Intek Inc.
2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22201

Sep 11, 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM (ET)


The Role of Hydrocarbons in a Climate-Challenged Future: Climate change mitigation via GHG emissions reductions - Adam Sieminski

We are excited to welcome Adam Sieminski, a distinguished figure in the energy sector and currently a Senior Advisor to the KAPSARC Board of Trustees, for a presentation on the role of hydrocarbons in a future where climate change mitigation will be paramount.

Prior to his appointment as Senior Advisor to the KAPSARC Board of Trustees in August 2021, he was the president of KAPSARC for three years. Before joining KAPSARC, Adam held the James R. Schlesinger Chair for Energy and Geopolitics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Prior to that, he was a non-resident senior advisor to the CSIS Energy and National Security Program. He also served as the Administrator of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) from 2012-2017 and was the director for energy and environment on the staff of the United States National Security Council. Earlier in his career, Adam was Deutsche Bank’s chief energy economist and the senior energy analyst for NatWest Securities. In 2006, he was appointed to the National Petroleum Council (NPC), where he helped co-author NPC’s global oil and gas study.

During his presentation, Adam will examine the interplay of the components of the circular carbon economy sustainability framework and look at ways countries can implement decarbonization initiatives through technology, policy, and markets.


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