Business Breakfast Series: 3esi-Enersight & GLJ: A Partnership to Adapt and Lead in the Future of Reserves Evaluation, Data Analytics, and Management Solution
Date: Thursday, March 22Location: Calgary Petroleum Club (329 5 Ave SW) Time: 7:30-9:30 amSpeakers: Dr. Michael Morgan, P. Eng, Director of Analytics, GLJ Competitive Intelligence; Wayne Sim, Chief Executive Officer, 3esi-EnersightCost: $40 SPE Members, $50 Non-members
SPE Calgary Innovates and Launches a New Special Interest Group! Based on success from our latest business breakfast series, the SPE Calgary Section has created a Business Breakfast Series Special Interest Group. This Special Interest Group is created to provide commercial and business-themed professional development during breakfast hours to target managers and other E&P professionals. Topics are chosen based on their business relevance and overall attendance is limited to 50 attendees to promote quality discussion. Our upcoming Topic will be “Transformation and Re-positioning for Success”. All events are from 7:30-09:30 am and are held at the Calgary Petroleum Club. Theme: Scientific Research and Experimental Development Date: 26 April 2018 Speaker: Gary Wilton, P.Eng., Partner KPMG Canada, SRED Practice, KPMG Topic: “Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SRED) Incentive Program and how it adds value to your organization”
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