Comparative Solution Project

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Reporting data : Spatial maps for cas 11C

  • 1.  Reporting data : Spatial maps for cas 11C

    Posted 12 days ago
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    Dear colleagues, 

    As mentioned during the last meeting, we have some issues to put our computed solution on the required grid. The problem mainly arises from the fact that we are using a structured mesh.

    On the figure below (the figure is also attached), we represent an (YZ) cross section for a fixed value of X. 

    The top part of the figure represents a part of the grid on which the computation has been performed.

    The bottom part represents the same grid where the coordinate Z has been replaced by the coordinate W using the formula W=Z-150(1-((Y-2500)/2500)^2)-Y/500.

    This new mesh does not match with the reference box [0,8400]x[0,5000]x[0,1200] which is represented in red in the bottom part of the figure.

    We are wondering if we should interpolate the computed solution from the lower mesh to the reference box or if there is a more relevant way to go directly from the upper mesh to the reference box.

    I hope someone can help us.

    Best regards
