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Early CSP simulation results submission

  • 1.  Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-09-2024 10:40 AM

    Following the email received today regarding the early results submission, I have a few questions:

    • If we submit results, do we need to submit a complete set of results as set out in the SPE11 description? Can we submit a subset of results if we don't have some of the results available?

    • Is there any value in submitting results that do not include the full set of mechanisms? For example, if we have run problem B isothermally, or without diffusion.

    • As these are only 'early' results, presumably there is plenty of time for results to be refined in terms of things like grid resolution, solver options, etc. Am I right in thinking that this session is more to focus on ensuring that participants are heading in the right direction?


    Adam Turner
    Reservoir Engineer
    RPS Energy

  • 2.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-09-2024 02:03 PM

    Hi Adam, 

    Thank you for your questions.

    For the early submission, it is ok to submit only partial results. You don't need to hand in results for all cases. Concerning the spatial data, you may submit less snapshots than asked for. The time series data doesn't need to cover the whole simulation period and a file may contain less rows than asked for. Just be sure to stick to the prescribed file format. In case that you don't calculate a quantity, put "nan" instead of a value.

    There is value in submitting results that don't include everything as prescribed. Please note deviations from the description in the corresponding entry of spe11<x>_questionnaire.xls.

    Yes, the early results will be used to get the discussion started and to learn from each other. 

    Kind regards 


  • 3.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-10-2024 03:53 AM

    Hi Bernd,

    Following on this question, there is the following mention on the instructions: "Please refrain from uploading results of multiple runs for a single case."

    Does this mean that only one simulator results can be uploaded per case or does it mean that we should submit only one realization per simulator in case we plan to use more than one simulator?

    Best regards,

    Bruno Fernandes

  • 4.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-11-2024 09:44 AM

    Hi Bruno, 

    Thanks for asking. I have to correct myself. From the description: "Groups are encouraged to submit up to four results, if they deem it interesting, of which at least one should be representative of a computation that is reasonable within common reservoir engineering practice." 

    In case that a group uploads more than one result, subfolders "result1"... "result4" should be used to differentiate. 

    I will send out an updated email. 

    Kind regards 


  • 5.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-11-2024 11:29 PM

    Hi Dr Bernd,

    Thank you very much for the clarification.

    Best regards,

    Bruno Fernandes

  • 6.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-25-2024 02:32 PM
    Edited by Chaojie Di 02-25-2024 02:32 PM

    Dear Prof. Flemisch

    The SPE11 description says that we need to submit the spatial maps of all field variables (pressure, saturation, phase composition) in .csv format. I want to know if it is possible to submit the spatial map files in .vtk format?

    Best regards


  • 7.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-26-2024 03:56 PM

    Hi, I also have a question about the .csv files required to be uploaded for the field variables. The simulator we use generates such a file for invaded grid cells only. Would that suffice or do we need to upload the .csv file of all the grid cells in the domain? Thanks. 

  • 8.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-27-2024 01:34 AM

    Hi Hailun,

    please see my response to Chaojie, sorry that we have to be strict here. If a reporting cell is not considered in your calculation, please provide "nan" or "n/a" for the corresponding values.

    Kind regards


  • 9.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-27-2024 01:29 AM

    Hi Chaojie,

    I'm afraid that we can't make any exceptions regarding the prescribed format. We currently have 46 participating groups on the list and simply do not have the capacity for any format conversions. That's why we have to agree on a common denominator which is csv in our view. We are aware that this involves post-processing on the participants' side but can't think of a better way to achieve comparable results.

    That said, we are collecting helper scripts at Since probably several groups are using vtk, it seems natural to write a converter from a grid in vtk to the required reporting grid in csv. We would highly appreciate any efforts in this direction becoming available to the community by upload to the repository.

    Kind regards


  • 10.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-29-2024 01:54 AM
    Edited by Kai Wendel 02-29-2024 01:54 AM

    It seems as if the link is broken as the "." character is also included in it: This link should direct to the page:

  • 11.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-29-2024 10:59 AM

    Dear Prof. Flemisch,

    Okay, we will try to output the spatial map in .csv format. We may not be able to submit our results this time because we need more time to add a new module and re-simulate SPE11A, B&C. Sorry about that.

    Best regards


  • 12.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-29-2024 04:39 PM

    Dear Dr Bernd,

    Regarding Case B, I would like to confirm whether the grid to be used is a 280x120 or 840x120. That is because all in the description suggested to just resize the gridblocks to a 30x10m. However, the description requests results to be reported in a Cartesian grid of 840x120 (grid size is 10x10m).

    Should we also have run the model in a 840x120 grid? 

    Best regards,

    Bruno Fernandes

  • 13.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 02-29-2024 04:57 PM

    Hi Bruno,

    The reporting grid is fixed, the computational grid is your choice. 

    Kind regards 


  • 14.  RE: Early CSP simulation results submission

    Posted 03-04-2024 11:54 PM
    Edited by Veena Kumar 03-04-2024 11:55 PM

    Hello Dr. Bernd, 

    I would like to confirm if the following link is the correct one for early manuscript submissions under SPE Journal for the 11th SPE CSP: ScholarOne Manuscripts (

    If this is not the correct link, could you please inform me of the proper one?  it would be very helpful to upload my manuscript.

