Dear Chaojie,
Thank you for reaching out. The answer below is with reference to the equation numbering in the preprint of the SPE description (, the equation numbering in the version to be published in SPE Journal may differ.
Boundary conditions are described for version A in equation (2.12). Here, it is specified that no mass is transported across the left, right and bottom boundaries. For the top boundary, given in equation (2.13), mass transfer across the boundary due to diffusion and dispersion is in principle allowed, however due to the geometry of the problem, such mass transfer is expected to be small.
Boundary conditions are described for version B and C in equation (2.12), valid for all sides (see text before equation (3.4)). Thus for version B and C, no mass is transferred across any boundaries.
Hope this answers your question,
Original Message:
Sent: 12-01-2023 07:44 PM
From: Chaojie Di
Subject: Diffusion and Dispersion on boundary
Dear all,
If the diffusion and dispersion on the boundary are considered as one way for CO2 leakage? And if we consider that, which boundaries should be considered? Only top?
Best regards