Simple Registration

When:  Dec 18, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM (CT)
Where:   Dallas College - Brookhaven Campus, 3939 Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch, TX, 75244, US
Community:   Dallas Section

When & Where

Dallas College - Brookhaven Campus
3939 Valley View Lane
Farmers Branch, TX 75244

Dec 18, 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM (CT)


PLEASE NOTE THE ROOM WILL BE IN BUILDING S -> ROOM S220 (SECOND FLOOR). Building S is S of Building H so please park in the same general area as usual. 


Advanced diagnostics in Well Integrity and Reservoir Performance


As O&G industry evolves constantly, along with the markets and energy landscape. Despite those changes, production engineers still have the same objective: to operate their assets sustainably, profitably, and above all – safely. No matter the application (oil production, geothermal, or CCUS), subsurface problems have always remained the same: poor reservoir performance and loss of well integrity. Service industry employs a myriad of direct measurements to reveal those problems, however many of them remain hidden.
TGT Diagnostics is the industry leader in developing and perfecting logging technologies for through-barrier diagnostics. We employ passive acoustic (Chorus), electromagnetic (Pulse) and thermal (Cascade) families of technologies to help operators in their most challenging cases.


Andrey started his O&G Career in 2011 and developed a broad background in core analysis and well logging before joining TGT Diagnostics in 2014. As Domain Champion, he is accountable for integrated projects for onshore and offshore customers. His background in geology, petrophysics and geophysics helps him deliver value in reservoir evaluation, well integrity, and production domains, as well as teach junior staff.

During his career at TGT, Andrey had the privilege to collaborate and learn from TGT teams in South-East Asia, North Sea, and United States. He is active in pilot technology projects and contributed to several SPE papers.


registration type



Contact Information

Anjali Jha

(832) 322-3007