Comparative Solution Project

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  • 1.  Nominal thickness for reporting results to Case B

    Posted 05-24-2024 08:17 PM


    I am a bit confused with the reporting of CO2 amounts (solubilized, mobile, immobile, etc) for Case B.

    The nominal thickness (dY) for case A is clearly 0.01m but the value for case B is not clearly stated.

    A value is required to properly report the CO2 amounts in the sparse data. Is it 1 meter?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Best regards,


  • 2.  RE: Nominal thickness for reporting results to Case B

    Posted 05-26-2024 02:29 PM

    Dear Bruno, 

    The nominal depth of case 11B is stated in the description as 1m (bullet point 6 after Figure 5.). 

    Best regards, 


  • 3.  RE: Nominal thickness for reporting results to Case B

    Posted 05-27-2024 06:58 PM

    Dear Jan,

    Thank you so much for the help. My sparse results make sense now.

    Regarding Problem C, the "" considers that 10 columns are expected for case C. This would be the same number as case B. However, I thought that including a column for the y coordinates (or v in this case) would be required since this is a 3D case.

    I would appreciate it if you could clarify.

    Best regards,


  • 4.  RE: Nominal thickness for reporting results to Case B

    Posted 05-28-2024 09:46 AM

    Hi Bruno, 

    Thank you for spotting this! I fixed it.

    Kind regards 


  • 5.  RE: Nominal thickness for reporting results to Case B

    Posted 05-30-2024 12:44 PM
    Edited by Chaojie Di 05-30-2024 12:45 PM

    Dear Prof. Flemisch:

    In the spe11c case. Do we need to add a column of y coordinates to the spatial map file? Or will the organizer calculate the corresponding y values ​​from the z coordinates when visualizing?

    Best regards


  • 6.  RE: Nominal thickness for reporting results to Case B

    Posted 05-31-2024 05:06 PM

    Hi Chaojie, 

    Yes, please add a column for the y coordinate between the x and the z coordinate. 

    Kind regards 


  • 7.  RE: Nominal thickness for reporting results to Case B

    Posted 06-01-2024 06:02 PM

    Dear Prof. Flemisch:

    Copy that! Much appreciated!

    Best regards
