The Savvy Separator Series

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Are the separators really at fault? Part 3 of the Savvy Separator article on Instrumentation and Operation is now available. The article focuses on instrumentation and operating issues. Brief problem statements, root causes, and lessons learned are given.
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In today’s era of higher expectations, achieving higher benefits requires better knowledge on the part of users. It is no longer adequate for a designer to simply indicate “mist eliminator” in the data sheets. In order to design a phase separation vessel appropriately, it is very important to check the performance of the system (inlet to outlet) rather than just concentrating on the demisting device. Of course, selecting and appropriately sizing the correct mist elimination device is the most critical of those. Ever been told that you have to derate mist eliminators as pressure increases? Or don’t use vanes above a certain pressure? What is happening ...
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(This draft is taken from my personal website formation evaluation, reservoir engineering consulting firm for E&P ( . Please visit this site for more information.) Its been almost more than 100 years since first drop of oil was taken out from Earth and we are now more than ever dependent on this Black Gold which has revolutionized human development to present. In layman term’s this Dirty fluid keeps the world moving and one of the most important role is played by oil in getting us to where we are now. Well, Let’s think about the future, not the past. Unlike any other industry most of questions regarding origin distribution ...
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Abstract Understanding hydraulic fracture propagation events would enable operators to estimate the fracture geometry, understand formation/fracture interactions, and estimate the total microseismic events cloud. This paper introduces a new method for understanding the dynamic fracture propagation events using a signal processing technique. Detection of the dynamic fracture event using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is used to train a deep learning model with microseismic events to predict this cloud for every hydraulic fracture job. The deep learning model is used for the same formation. The CWT for treatment pressure is a convolution process that involves ...
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SPEcial Geothermal Talks #14: Dynamic Measurements in Geothermal Wells using a Multisensor Approach Join us for more geothermal education with Virginie Schoepf from OPENFIELD TECHNOLOGY . This time looking into measurements and understanding hydrothermal systems better with case studies and interpretations. 📅 June 17, 14:00 CEST 🖋 Registration link: SPE Romanian Section SPE France SPE Vienna Basin Section SPE Netherlands Section SPE Italian Section SPE Central Ukraine Section SPE Germany SPE London Section SPE Aberdeen SPE Spain SPE ...
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Topic: Carbon Capture and Storage and the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) Lecturer: Mr. Rawdon Seager, Gaffney, Cline & Associates Rawdon Seager is a reservoir engineer with over 50 years’ experience in the international oil and gas area with Shell, Huffco and, since 1985, Gaffney, Cline & Associates, where he is Chief Reservoir Engineer and Global Director of Quality Assurance. He presented some of the ways in which carbon dioxide can be stored and provided a review of the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS) framework prepared by the Society of Petroleum Engineers to classify and categorize the storable quantities. ...
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First-ever joint event between SPE Abu Dhabi Section, SPE Vienna Basin Section and SPE Romanian Section on the progression of Energy Transition The panel explores the energy transition in different aspects. Torsten CLEMENS from SPE Vienna Basin Section will explore the advancements in underground hydrogen storage. Dr. Abdulla Alhosani from SPE Abu Dhabi Section will explore carbon management aspects while Gabrijel Grubac from SPE Romanian Section will explore the emergence of geothermal energy. Session will be moderated by Technical Program Committee Chair of SPE Abu Dhabi ...
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In the following article, I show you how I build knowledge banks from publicly available information: O&G Technical Knowledge Bank Petroleum/Geo Datasets Recommended Reading on Energy I'm sharing access to these databases via simple links you can bookmark for easy access. Cheers, Alan 👇 Knowledge Banks ...
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Geothermal is the only baseload renewable energy source that produces heat. The venture capital investment in Geothermal has significantly increased in the last 3 years. The article discusses the challenges that geothermal energy faces to become a leading player in the net-zero world and the promising recent scaleup results. Link: By Jeffrey R. Bailey , Taylor Mattie , Tim Lines , Daniel Merino-Garcia Thanks to Thomas Halsey and SPE for coordinating this article series. Thanks also to our technical section board members - Anuj Gupta , ...
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The diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT) is widely used to obtain fracture closure pressure, reservoir permeability, and reservoir pressure during hydraulic fracturing operations. Conventional methods for analyzing DFIT data assume a vertical well drilled in ultra-low permeability reservoirs and account for potential multiple fracture closures. However, these traditional techniques have limitations and make assumptions that can conflict with each other, leading to greatly varying approximations of closure pressure and duration, especially for horizontal wells. To address this issue, a new method for detecting fracture closure pressure using continuous wavelet ...
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By now, you’ve likely experimented a bit with ChatGPT. I’ve extensively discussed it in my Newsletter and shared in-depth insights on my LinkedIn feed and blog. If you haven’t done so yet, you can start by reading the ‘ChatGPT for Oil & Gas’ series, with part 1 available here . ‍ Today, we’re going to explore CustomGPTs, which are essentially the same as regular ChatGPT but tailored to a specific subject of your choosing. ‍ And the best part? You don’t need any coding skills. Within just a few minutes, the ChatGPT interface allows you to create a bot designed to engage in conversations on the particular topic you’re interested in, making ...
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Not long ago, I shared a post on LinkedIn that generated a lot of interest: 👉 link to post ‍ “Do you have this dynamic PDF with well test interpretation models by the IFP? It’s awesome… Wellbore, reservoir, and boundary models are listed, with live links to pages showing their log-log response. They’re color-coded and tell you which parameters are extracted from each region of the plot.” This invaluable resource was produced by the IFP in 2002 (get it here ). However, one downside is the need to open a PDF file every time you wish to consult it, which can be inconvenient. You might not always have the file at hand, or you may need ...
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Let’s continue with the ChatGPT series. So far, in the previous installments of the series, we’ve explored the language model, including text generation, proofreading, translation, and summarization. Then, we moved on to exploring ChatGPT’s advanced coding capabilities, from creating Excel VBA snippets to writing and troubleshooting Python scripts. ‍ Now, let’s turn our attention to another exciting aspect of ChatGPT: its data analytics capabilities. With its advanced data analytics plugin, ChatGPT can process and analyze large datasets, offering insights far beyond what traditional Excel data analytics can provide. This powerful feature enables users ...
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We are very excited to release our Q1 Data Science and Engineering Analytics Newsletter. The newsletter features a must read interview with Dr. Sathish Sankaran where he talks about importance of Hybrid models in Oil and Gas Domain. We also have an article from Joshua Eckroth on Large Language Models (LLMs) specifically explaining Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). You can read about Jim Crompton's experiments with ChatGPT. For students and young professionals ... check out the Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE GCS Gulf Coast Section Data Analytics study group's Machine Learning Challenge 2024. ...
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In Part 1 of the series, we explored all the text-related capabilities of the ChatGPT language model, including text generation, proofreading, translation, and summarization. ‍ Then, in Part 2, we delved into ChatGPT’s advanced capabilities, ranging from creating Excel VBA codes to interpreting data from images for insightful analyses. We provided practical examples, such as generating production profiles and adding interactive features to Excel. ‍ Now, it’s time to delve into Python. Read it 👉 here ...
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Static charts are boring. Why settle for less when you can bring your data to life? In this blog post, I'll show you how to create an engaging animated chart for data visualization using VBA or Python (even if you don’t know how to code)👉 read 👉 Here's the end result: watch ...
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About a year ago (in Jan ‘23), I shared an article on LinkedIn about three apps that changed my life: see post here . Today, I want to dive deeper into one of these game-changers, Notion, and how it can be adopted to reshape productivity in the Oil and Gas industry. Read it here ‍
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In Part 1 ( here ), I explored all the text-related capabilities of the ChatGPT language model, including text generation, proofreading, translation, and summarization. ‍ In this one, I'm building upon that base-layer capability and cranking it up a notch; g enerating synthetic datasets, forecasting production from images, creating Excel VBA code, integrating dynamic sliders for real-time data manipulation, and more. The following examples will clearly demonstrate where the real power of this tool lies... read it here
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Japan Formation Evaluation Society (JFES), a chapter of SPWLA, will have the 29th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan Meeting on 12th & 13th September 2024. SPE Japan Section is pleased to cooperate and share information of the symposium as attached. Please find the link below for more detail. JFES | Japan Formation Evaluation Society ( Thank you.
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It’s been more than a year since the release of ChatGPT, and I’m still shocked every time a colleague or friend tells me they aren’t using it. I hear: “But what can it really do?” “I don’t see the value” “I haven’t really needed it” “It’s not helpful in my field.” ‍ So, in this 4-part series, I want to present a few compelling examples showcasing how ChatGPT can profoundly transform your professional abilities and increase your productivity. ‍ Let's dive right into a few use cases 👉 ...