
  • 2024 SPE Great Yarmouth Section Annual General Meeting

    The Section Board would like to invite you to the 2024 SPE Great Yarmouth Section Annual General Meeting to be held at the Imperial Hotel Great Yarmouth on Thursday 23rd May 2024 commencing at 12-30hrs.


    If you would like to be involved with the Section and become a Board Member, then this is an excellent way to contribute and join in and shape the future of the Section. Following the Meeting a sit down lunch will be provided.




    1. Chairman’s Repor
    2. Treasurers Report
    3. Membership Update
    4. Resignation of 2023-2024 Board Members
    5. Election of Board Members for 2024 -2025
    6. Any other business for which due notice has been received

    If you wish to join us, then please email or call on 01493 658488


    Kind Regards


    SPE Great Yarmouth Section