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Role of YPs in VUCA World

By Shivam Saxena posted 06-28-2016 02:18 AM


A term that is typically used to describe today’s changing environment is VUCA. Expanded as Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, it aptly summarizes the modern world. To contribute positively to this entropy, Young Professionals (YPs) are stepping up and taking the onus.

YPs who are passionate about making an impact and bringing a change for a more prosperous future are vivacious individuals. Their desire to unleash human potential, encourage smarter behaviors and create sustainable systems is what gives them the zeal to take on every such opportunity to make an impression on a larger canvas. Today’s YPs bring broad interdisciplinary strength to the table including Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Management, Social Responsibility, and Volunteering.

As individuals, these YPs are social entrepreneurs, strategy creators, engineers, innovators and leaders. Some have personal proficiencies of social entrepreneurship and possess the necessary skills, competencies and abilities to be the change-makers in current times. Highly enthused and fervent to utilize the opportunity this industrial downturn and in general the present day world has to offer to make a global difference, YPs are quickly adapting to provide solutions to the issues of a crowded urban space.

The world is a multi-culture village. YPs represent wide cultural diversity coming from different parts of the globe. Networking opportunities and Social platforms have made it possible to bridge the gap between east and west and establish fruitful collaboration between interested YPs. This had led to an increased interest in idea sharing and knowledge transfer.

Presently, knowledge and firsthand experience is what motivates and drives YPs to enact change. A strong global community of talented and bright individuals, we know we have the breadth of knowledge to find the best solution to global priorities. With that intent in mind, let’s continue to rise and shine!

#YPCommittee #YoungProfessionals
