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Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of SPE Oslo, it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the Oslo Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).
Founded in 1957, SPE is the largest individual member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists, and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. SPE's global membership has now reached over 156,000 members in 154 countries.

For the 2023-2024 season, we plan to have a combination of virtual, and in-person technical dinners and social gathering events. So, stay tuned!

We will continuously inform you about our activities and events. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to hearing from all of you about your thoughts on our section. All the comments, ideas, and suggestions will be highly appreciated!

Finally, we would like to thank our sponsors and all the volunteers and section members, with whose efforts the SPE Oslo has always been a great technical platform for sharing ideas and building technical expertise. Partnerships with our sponsors and members are vital to the success of this section.

Ahmad Shammari
Chairman, SPE Oslo

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Join SPE Oslo

SPE Oslo is a place for all of today's industry professionals, regardless of experience or course of study. Although engineers are the core of SPE's membership, not all SPE members are engineers. SPE Oslo member base varies from geologists, geophysicists, all engineering professionals, analysts, IT professionals, data engineers, finance, management, etc.

SPE offers two types of membership: Professional and Student.

Join SPE Oslo

Upstream Jobs

It is our mission to serve our members in every capacity possible. Where and for whom you work is of great importance to you, and therefore to SPE. Here is a comprehensive jobs search engine to help you find the latest opportunities in your field.

click here to search oil and gas jobs

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Who We Are

SPE is the largest individual member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry.

Read more about SPE